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Soil Science People
Alphabetical listing of all SFU Researchers working or who have worked under the supervision of Dr. Margaret Schmidt, Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University.                 
Eva Boehringer Simon Fraser University.
What is the spatial extent to which vine maple affects certain physical and chemical soil properties in a coniferous old-growth forest stand?
see research summary

François Teste MSc Candidate, 2000- 
Role of ectomycorrhizae on rehabilitated landings, in the southern interior of British Columbia.

Todd Redding MSc Graduate, 2001
Spatial variability of forest soil chemical properties related to clearcut edges. 
see research summary

Judit Gaspar PhD Candidate, 1998-2001
Where does vine maple grow, and why there? 
see research summary

Matthew Plotnikoff MSc Graduate, 2000
Evaluation of lodgepole pine growth and soil properties on rehabilitated landings. 
see research summary

Derek MacKenzie MSc Graduate, 1999
What is the effect of mechanical site preparation on soil properties, nutrient dynamics and tree growth?
see research summary

Natalie Tashe MSc Graduate, 1998
How does vine maple influence nutrient cycling in coastal forests?
see research summary

Chad Wardman MSc Graduate, 1997
What is the growth response of conifers around vine maple priority gaps?
see research summary

Aynslie Ogden MSc Graduate, 1996
What are the soil characteristics of persistent canopy opening occupied by vine maple?
see research summary