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Systematic Errors

There were a number of inherent errors in the models. For numerical models such as IDW and Cokriging, the major assumption lies with how representative the data is. It is possible that the data does not represent actual precipitation regimes well. This is especially true in complex terrains where more than one factor influences the pattern of precipitation (Daly et al., 1994). Furthermore, a sparse rain gauge network can also contribute to unrepresentative data. It has been well established that numerical models are sensitive to the number of interpolation points (Daly et al., 1994; Prudhomme and Reed, 1999; Boer et al., 2001). The interpolation methods may rely on elevation, but this fact may be blurred by the effects of steepness, proximity to moisture, or the measurement site’s exposure to prevailing winds (Whiteman, 2000). The Linear Regression model was based on topography and its linear relationship with precipitation. It does not consider a variety of the other factors. It is possible that a number of the factors mentioned would be present in the GVRD. The PRISM model does consider these factors by incorporating the concept of “topographical facets”, where each of the facets has a unique orographic regime. The facets are best shown with a DEM that has a resolution which closely matches the smallest orographic scale (Daly et al., 1994).

Despite what was been discussed previously regarding the merit of cross-validation and the assumptions associated with it, there are still a number of potential errors. In particular, the distribution of data points and the very nature of the interpolation methods chosen can also be a source of inaccuracy. The numerical based interpolation methods, such as Cokriging and IDW, largely depend on the number of data points and their distribution. Their performances tend to suffer from a lack of points in certain regions of the study area. This is illustrated by the northeastern region of the GVRD where there are no data points. The irregular nature of the precipitation isohyets is a direct reflection of the lack of data points in this region. This leads to largely inaccurate predictions in those areas of north eastern GVRD. The regression model performs better in those areas because it is only dependent on elevation. However, it still suffers from its own nature of global operation. The regression model can be seen as a global operation because it does not consider neighbouring data points in deciding the interpolated grid value. In the overall scheme of things, the Linear Regression model eventually suffers from the lack of consideration of neighbourhood data points. In those areas with higher density and an even distribution of data points, IDW and Cokriging perform better. This illustrates the importance of neighbourhood operations and the principle of spatial autocorrelation.

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