The data used for this project was obtained from the Data Warehouse of the SIS Lab. The census data was extracted using the Canadian Census Analyzer. With the aid of ArcGIS, the total population for each Dissemination Area was clipped to only include the total population of the city of Vancouver. A new “At Risk” layer of population numbers was created: this layer included the sum of all persons in each Dissemination Area that were under the age of 5 or over 55. From the total population, and the “At Risk” population, two population densities were calculated. These were converted to raster images, and imported into Idrisi Kilimanjaro for further analysis (tot_density_ha and risky_density_ha). Average household income was again extracted from the Canadian Census Analyzer, converted into a raster image, and imported into Idrisi Kilimanjaro (household_income).

Land-use data was acquired from the Data Warehouse. Land-use areas within Vancouver were selected to create a new layer. This layer provided a base-map to which all other layers were clipped. It was later converted into a raster image and imported into Idrisi Kilimanjaro (landuse). This image was also used to create a layer that included a Boolean image of the shape of Vancouver city (boundary_ed).

Hospital locations were found in the DMTI, BC folder, in the Data Warehouse and used in ArcGIS. Since this layer also included healthcare facilities other than hospitals, (such as clinics, and care homes) it had to be manipulated. A new layer containing only hospitals was created from selected features (hospitals). This layer was clipped to limit the study area to Vancouver city limits. The layer was converted into a raster image, and imported into Idrisi Kilimanjaro (hospitals_idrisi) .

The road data was obtained from the BCrds folder in the Data Warehouse. This layer was clipped to include only the major roads in Vancouver. The layer was converted into a raster image and imported into Idrisi Kilimanjaro (roads_rast).

When importing layers into Idrisi Kilimanjaro, the Feature to Raster module in ArcGIS was used. , attention was paid to the size, coverage and the resolution of each of the layers. All layers were projected in UTM, NAD 83, zone 10N to ensure consistency of the analysis. All layers had the resolution of 50m and had an equal number of rows and columns. In order to use multiple layers in the Multi Criteria Evaluation, each raster image had to cover the same area, have the same resolution and projection.