Results and Conclusion
Stan managed to find himself a home. The analysis I completed
for him was adequate for his needs. I got a lot of well needed
practise in spatial analysis and web site design.
One of the problems I encountered was the least cost pathway
module. I was looking for the shortest and most cost effective
route for Stan to take from his new home to work and to Sea
World. The module Cost only provided the route with the least
cost, not the shortest route as well. I believe the module Varcost
would have solved my problems since it uses anistropic friction
but I was unable to find or create the second layer needed to
give the direction of the weighted friction values.
Data was another problem. Finding data already in Idrisi
format was a challenge. I ended up using Arcview data and
then transfering it across into Idrisi and then rasterizing it.
On the whole the project was a success.
Compiled and completed by
Brendan Gostmann