
Celebrated economist Esther Duflo receives SFU honorary degree

October 23, 2023

Economics students and faculty had a chance to meet renowned economist Dr. Esther Duflo when she attended Simon Fraser University's Fall 2023 Convocation ceremony to receive an SFU honorary degree.

Duflo is one of the world’s most highly accomplished economists—and the youngest recipient of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel—who has bettered countless lives through her mission of alleviating global poverty. Her commitment to addressing areas of health, education, financial inclusion, environment, and governance have led to policy change and real public good.

After the ceremony Duflo attended the FASS Convocation Reception and patiently posed for pictures with students and faculty members who admire her work. 

Duflo last visited SFU's Department of Economics in 2010 when she presented the BMO Public Lecture. Duflo is currently the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at MIT.
