Interdisciplinary seminar series on inequality at SFU Economics

Brown Bag Seminars

This seminar series gives faculty as well as PhD students at the dissertation-writing stage an informal opportunity to present work in progress (no completed papers, please) to their colleagues, and receive feedback and ideas for improvements.

Presenters aim for a 60-minute presentation, inclusive of any questions that arise. The regular time slot is Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in WMC 4602 ("the fishbowl"). 


When: (Usually) Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Where: WMC 1691. 

You can bring your lunch to the seminar.


Contact the Research Grants and Projects Coordinator at with any queries, or for administrative support.

Everyone is welcome to join. You can bring your lunch to the seminar.

Upcoming seminars

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  1. Use this URL instead of the WebCal URL:
  2. Try subscribing with the Outlook web app instead of the Outlook desktop app.