Telementor Guide
What is telementoring? Simply put, telementoring is mentoring that is carried out at a distance (usually online), when face-to-face mentoring is not possible. The idea of mentoring dates back to the ancient Greek poet Homer, and his epic The Odyssey. In the poem, Odysseus' son Telemachus is given guidance by a wise old sea captain named Mentor about how to cope with the consequences of his father's long absence since the Trojan war. Today, the term “mentor” is used to describe people in a wide variety of both prearranged and spontaneous relationships in school and business communities. While researchers (and the general public) tend to differ on what they mean by the term, "mentoring" generally denotes a supportive relationship between an older, more experienced person and a younger protégé that serves to initiate her into a new profession, organization, or stage in life.
Why do telementoring?
What are the benefits and challenges of telmentoring?
What do mentors need to take into account in telementoring?
What do mentors need to know about their mentees?
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