Getting Started with iClicker

Tips for Getting Started  

  • Decide what type of iClicker you will allow students to use - iClicker is available as a hand held remote and as a mobile app. It is recommended that you allow students to choose the option that works best for them.
  • Use your course outline to inform students that you will be using clickers in your class and that there is a cost involved. iClicker mobile has a 14-day free trial so payment is not required until the trial is over. For iClicker remote or mobile subscription pricing, please contact
  • Let students know where to sign up for iClicker student mobile and that their sfu email must be used for course set up. This is important because without the use of the sfu email, the Canvas integration will not work.
  • Set up the iClicker cloud integration
  • Add the data collection notice below to your course - due to the Canvas integration, a privacy notice is required for the use of iClicker.

Note: As of the end of the Fall 23 term, iClicker classic is no longer available.

Data Collection Notice

You are required to display the following text to students before they register for iClicker.  We recommend putting this notice in your long course outline or providing this information to students before they register using the integration tool.

iClicker collects personal information on behalf of SFU under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468), and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165).

The information is related directly to and needed by the University to facilitate engagement and interaction between the instructor and students. The information will be used by iClicker to facilitate engagement and interaction between the instructor and students in a face-to-face or virtual instructional space, score student responses, and record student attendance.

If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the Centre for Educational Excellence, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, 778.782.7115.


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