June 23, 2016 Meeting Summary

Board Members present: B. Cunningham, Board Chair; A. Giardini, Chancellor; A. Petter, President; T. Carlson; M. Cordoba; J. Earthy; J. Francis; R. Gill; J. Hinchliffe; A. Kessler; J. Kim; C. Lewis; D. Poole; P. Sahota

Regrets:  F. Robin


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         There were no open agenda items.

B.         University Relations

a.         Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:


Fundraising Progress Report 
For Information
2016/2017 Year to Date

To May 31, 2016


b.         The Board approved the Terms of Reference for the:

  • Florence Sully Bursary in Science;
  • Scrimini Family Award for Community Service;
  • Scrimini Family Undergraduate Bursary;
  • David Gillanders Endowment;
  • Stephen & James Moyes Memorial Award;
  • M.R. Shimizu Award for International Students;
  • The Kamal Basra Undergraduate Bursary for Aboriginal Students in Science;
  • Edward & Emily McWhinney Foundation in Hellenic Studies Endowed Graduate;
  • Stanley J. Shapiro Endowment Fund;
  • Mark Bailey – Bernd Dittrich Memorial Award in Football; and,
  • Dogwood Bursary in Science.

c.         The Board approved the Institutional Accountability Plan and Report – 2015-16 Reporting Cycle to be presented to the
            Ministry of Advanced Education.

d.         The Board received for information the Consolidated 2013-2018 Academic Plan Progress Report.

C.        Governance and Nominating

a.         The Board approved the appointment of Harjot Guram as Trustee of the Pension Plan for Members of the Academic Staff as
            University representative effective June 1, 2016, for an indefinite term.

b.         The Board approved the appointments of Stephanie Bertels and Barbara Sanders as Trustees of the Pension Plan for Members
             of the Academic Staff as Faculty representatives for terms commencing July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2018.

c.         The Board approved that Barry Macdonald be recommended for re‑appointment to the Board of Directors of the SFU
            Community Corporation as External Director for a term of three years commencing June 1, 2016.

d.         The Board approved that Howard Nemtin be recommended for re‑appointment to the Board of Directors of the SFU
             Community Corporation as External Director for a term of two years commencing June 1, 2016.

D.        Audit, Risk and Compliance

a.         The Board received for information the 2015 Annual Report of SFU’s Human Rights and Equity Office.

b.         The Board received for information the Insurance and Liability Report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016.

c.         The Board received for information the 2015-16 report outlining workplace injury data and related prevention and mitigation

E.         Other

a.         The President commented on the success of Convocation week from June 7 to 10, during which eight ceremonies were held and
            eight honorary degrees conferred.  He informed the Board that Dr. Evan Tlesa II Adams, Coast Salish physician and Chief
            Medical Officer for the First Nations Health Authority, was guest speaker at the Indigenous Honouring Feast for the 55
            Indigenous students who completed their programs in 2015-16.  He also commented on the success of the June 9th
            Chancellor’s Dinner.

b.         President Petter reported that he spoke at the Greater Vancouver and Burnaby Boards of Trade on May 27 and June 14,
            respectively, at which time he presented the argument that in today’s knowledge economy, education is the best resource
            driver, and that British Columbia has the potential to be Canada’s ‘Education Province.’ His presentations were well covered
The Georgia Straight and Vancouver Sun newspapers.

c.         The President reported that in addition to two upcoming Alumni Receptions planned for London and San Francisco, a
             number of successful events were recently held, including the May 26, 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Association
             that attracted 250 attendees, the May 30, 2016 SFU Athletics Scholarship Breakfast emceed by Brian Williams, veteran
             sportscaster and 2011 SFU Honorary Degree recipient, with guest speaker John Herdman, Head Coach of the Canadian Senior
             Women’s National Soccer Team, and the June 22, 2016 Charter Faculty and Staff Breakfast.

d.         With respect to capital projects, President Petter commented on the June 1, 2016 Student Union Building ground breaking,
             and indicated that SFU is awaiting the outcome of the applications submitted under the Federal Strategic Investment Fund
             initiative for the Sustainable Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering Building at SFU Surrey, and the Life Sciences
             Research and Innovation Building at SFU Burnaby.

e.         The President also commented on several recent student successes, including two SFU Surrey student entrepreneurs featured
             at the Surrey Board of Trade’s Top 25 Under 25 Awards, who were among 11 SFU students from business, economics and
             engineering to receive awards for their innovation and engagement with the Surrey community.

f.          President Petter reported that in an active month of fundraising activities, on June 17, 2016 an official announcement was
            made to formally recognize the $10 million gift from SFU alumnus and entrepreneur Charles Chang that will name the
            Chang Innovation Centre
located at 308 West Hastings Street, Vancouver.

g.         The President acknowledged the recent media coverage regarding allegations of sexual assault at the Burnaby campus, and
             indicated that the matter would be more fully addressed in closed session given the very limited information that SFU is at
             liberty to discuss because of privacy restrictions and the requirement to preserve the integrity of the ongoing RCMP

h.         President Petter informed the Board that he, Jon Driver, Vice-President, Academic, and Glynn Nicholls, Director of Academic
             Planning and Quality Assurance travelled to Washington State on June 21, 2016 for SFU’s final presentation with respect to
             the University’s application for Accreditation from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).

i.          Board Chair B. Cunningham welcomed the following new governors to their first Board meeting:

  • Anke Kessler, Professor of Economics and Undergraduate Chair of the Department of Economics, replacing Peter Ruben for a term of three years effective June 1, 2016;
  • Tyler Carlson, Graduate Student in the School of Resource and Environmental Management, replacing Katelyn McDougall for a term of one year effective June 1, 2016; and,
  • Ranjodh Gill, Undergraduate Student in the School of International Studies, replacing Deven Azevedo for a term of one year effective June 1, 2016.

j.          The Board Chair acknowledged the exemplary service of Order-in-Council Board member David Poole, whose four year term
             on the Board ends on July 31, 2016.

k.         B. Cunningham thanked Cathy Daminato, Vice-President, Advancement and Alumni Engagement and President of the SFU
            Foundation, and Jon Driver, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, for their contributions to the Board and University during
            their respective vice-presidential terms.

l.          In commenting on his recent participation at several June Convocation ceremonies, the Board Chair encouraged members to
            consider processing with the Platform Party at one or more ceremonies on October 6 and 7, 2016.

m.        B. Cunningham commented briefly on a local media poll underway that has reignited the matter of constructing a gondola to
             serve Burnaby Mountain.

n.         Board member Chris Lewis reported that he attended the June 21, 2016 opening of a new Aboriginal Gathering Space in the
             Faculty of Education that coincided with National Aboriginal Day.

o.         Joy Johnson, Vice-President, Research provided the Board with an update regarding key activities in her Office and a report
             on recent research achievements.

p.         The Board received a report from Martin Pochurko, Vice-President, Finance and Administration, summarizing the major
             activities and initiatives in the departments within his portfolio as of June 2016. He introduced Associate Vice-President,
             Human Resources, Sandi de Domenico, and Mark Lalonde, Chief Safety Officer.

q.         The Board reviewed the report of the Vice-President, Academic on various academic-related matters and engaged in a
             discussion about the status of the development of a stand-alone Policy on Sexual Violence and Misconduct particularly with
             respect to process, and the roles of the working and advisory groups and their relationship to one another.

r.          John Grant, Director, Alumni Relations, gave a PowerPoint presentation to the Board on the status of Alumni Engagement at
            SFU and discussed with governors the key findings from the most recent alumni survey that will help guide and strengthen
            alumni engagement moving forward.


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         The Board approved the award of a contract to Ex Libris (USA) Inc. for an Integrated Library System.

b.         The Board reviewed an update on the status of the two projects submitted by the University for funding under the Federal
             Government’s Strategic Investment Fund initiative.  One project is for a Life Sciences Research and Innovation Building at the 
             Burnaby Campus to replace the Biology wing of the Shrum Science Centre, and the other project is for a Sustainable Energy  
             and Environmental Engineering Building (SE3P) at the Surrey Campus.

c.         Subject to the receipt of Strategic Investment Fund program application funding, the Board approved the award of a contract to
            Stantec Architecture for Architectural, Engineering, and Prime Consultant Services for the Life Sciences Research and Innovation

d.         Subject to the receipt of Strategic Investment Fund program application funding, the Board approved the award of a contract to
             Bing Thom Architects for Architectural, Engineering, and Prime Consultant Services for the Sustainable Energy and
             Environmental Engineering Building.

e.         The Board approved the purchase of Lot E in the SFU Surrey precinct, including costs for necessary road improvements and
             relocation of utilities for the site, for the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering Building.

B.         University Relations

a.         The Board received the fundraising progress report for May 2016.

b.         The Board reviewed the report of Cathy Daminato, Vice-President, Advancement and Alumni Engagement on the recent
             activities, developments and achievements in each of the areas within her portfolio.

c.         The Board reviewed the report from Joanne Curry, Vice-President, External Relations on key issues in Communications &
             Marketing, and heard her report on Government Relations issues.

d.         Media reporting of allegations of sexual assault at SFU Burnaby and other matters were discussed.

C.        Governance and Nominating Committee

a.         There were no closed agenda items.

D.        Audit, Risk and Compliance

a.         The Board received for information the 2016 Due Diligence and Compliance Report.

b.         The Board received for information an Enterprise Risk Management Maturity Assessment Report prepared for the University
             by consultants KPMG.

c.         The Board received for information an update on the actions taken by SFU to treat the most significant enterprise risks identified
             in the November 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Register.

d.         The Board received for information the Annual Litigation Report 2015/16 prepared by L. Broshko, General Counsel.

E.         Human Resources

a.         Faculty Appointments

The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

  • Dr. Parmit Chilana, Assistant Professor, Computing Science, 1 Sep 16 – 31 Aug 20
  • Dr. Peter Keller, Professor with tenure, Geography, 1 Jul 16
  • Dr. Eugene Fiume, Professor with tenure, Computing Science, 1 Jan 17

b.         Administrative Appointments

The following administrative appointments were approved and have been accepted:

  • Dr. Uwe Glaesser, Extension of appointment as Dean (Pro Tem), Applied Sciences, 1 Jul 15 – 31 Dec 16
  • Dr. Eugene Fiume, Dean, Applied Sciences, 1 Jan 17 – 31 Aug 22

F.         Other

a.         The Board received the President’s Activities Report for May 2016.

b.         The Board’s Strategic Issue discussion – SFU Innovates – was deferred to a future meeting.

c.         Other matters were discussed.


a.         The Board approved the appointment of Dr. Wade Parkhouse, Dean of Graduate Studies, as Acting Associate Vice-President,
            Academic from June 20, 2016 to September 5, 2016, with the option of an extension to September 30, 2016.

b.         The Board re-elected Bill Cunningham Board Chair for the period August 1, 2016 to the end of the January 2017 Board meeting,
             subject to his reappointment as an Alumni Order-in-Council member of the Board.  [Note: Mr. Cunningham was subsequently
             reappointed as an Alumni Order-in-Council member of the Board effective July 31, 2016 for a term ending September 30, 2017.]

c.         The President informed the Board of four position title changes:

  • Current:  Vice-President, Research     New: Vice-President, Research and International;
  • Current: Associate Vice-President, Academic     New: Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic;
  • Current: Associate Vice-President, Students    New: Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Students and International;
  • Current:  Dean of Graduate Studies     New: Dean and Associate Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

The Board was told that there is no increase in remuneration associated with the new titles that better reflect position responsibilities and are consistent with titles used at other institutions.

d.         Other matters were discussed.

The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at SFU Surrey, Room TBA.