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S.F.U. Biology Graduate Caucus

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Biology Grad Caucus Meeting Minutes

July 29, 2004

In Attendance: Linda Hanson, Keith Tierney, Danielle Simonot, Suzanne Gray, Katrina Salvante, Jonathan Whiteley, Raul Ursic, Dawn Cooper, Shelly Hoover, Holly Middleton

  1. Positions available on Caucus Executive and Scholarship Committee
    • Andrea has volunteered to assume the chair position if no one else is willing. As no one else has come forward all present agreed that Andrea is the new chair
    • Keith has volunteered to be the new secretary, all present agreed.
    • Dawn has volunteered to join the scholarships committee, there is still one vacancy on this committee if anyone is interested.
  2. Summer BBQ
    • It was decided that instead of trying to hold both an end of summer BBQ and a welcome BBQ in September we will just have the one BBQ in September. The BBQ will be done in conjunction with orientation week. As Suzanne has taken over the mentorship program she has offered to coordinate this event. If funding has not yet been requested (by Jolene) all present agreed that the caucus would contribute up to $300 to this event.
  3. Faculty Mole (Dawn)
    • No updates as the next meeting is scheduled for later this week.
  4. Constitution
    • Jonathan W. recently submitted a copy of our constitution to the SFSS
    • Hattie (the SU organizer) suggested a few amendments (adding in the roles of various representatives etc.). Jonathan has also made a few minor changes. (our constitution was last updated in 1998).
    • In accordance with our current constitution the new version will be posted and voted on at the next meeting.
    • If you have any comments/suggestions email them to Jonathan
  5. DGSC
    • The Dean would not agree to the proposed changes to the Travel Grant Policy
  6. T-shirts
    • As Brianne and Alison are not here this item will be tabled until the next meeting
  7. TSSU Update
    • The union is currently negotiating the collective agreement with the university
  8. Logo Contest
    • Those present voted on the five fabulous submissions. The winning design was submitted by Keith, congratulations. A huge thank you to everyone who participated.
  9. Website Update
    • Jonathan is still hard at work updating the website
    • Still looking for volunteers to help update the Survival Guide. Contact Jonathan W. if interested.
  10. Soccer
    • If you are interested in playing soccer on Tuesday afternoons at 5:00 contact Raul, as they are currently looking for more players.
  11. Departmental Speaker
    • We get to nominate a speaker for the departmental seminar series
    • It was suggested that we nominate Dr. Tom Rankin. He is from Victoria and is apparently a fabulous presenter.
    • He can speak on either bear-salmon relations or sticklebacks
    • Danielle offered to send out an email for additional feedback on this matter.