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Graduate Student Housing Survey

Every year, we conduct a survey of biology and microbiology grad students to find out where they live and have them rate their overall satisfaction with their housing and neighbourhoods. New graduate students moving to Vancouver should find this information useful when looking for a place to live. Survey results are broken down by area. Colours correspond to the regions on the map below.

2011 Results
2010 Results
2009 Results

Survey Results (click on thumbnails to view full images)

View Graduate Student Housing Survey in a larger map

Q1.    In which area of the city do you currently live?

Q2.    How long have you lived in your current neighbourhood?

Q3.    What kind of housing do you currently live in?

Q4.    Do you share housing? How many other people live with you?

Q5.    Approximately how much do you pay in rent each month? (not including utilities)

Q6.    What mode of transportation do you typically rely upon to get to SFU?

Bike / Walk: 14.04%

Car: 10.53%

Transit (bus/skytrain): 75.44%

Q7.    If you rely on transit to get to SFU, how many transfers does it require?

Q8.    On a typical day, approximately how long is your commute: from home to SFU, from SFU to home ?

Q9.    How long does it take you to get to the following places BY TRANSIT from home: downtown, grocery store/supermarket, bank, restaurants, bars/pubs, movie theatres, shopping, parks/beaches, recreational facilities (e.g. YMCA, community centre)?

Q10.    Please rate the overall quality of the services in your area: grocery store/supermarket, restaurants, bars/pubs, movie theatres, shopping, parks/beaches, recreational facilities (e.g. YMCA, community centre).

Q11.    What crime/safety or livability issues are present in your neighbourhood?

Q12.    Generally, how comfortable (i.e. 'safe') do you feel in your neighbourhood?

Q13.    How would you characterize your neighbourhood according to the following attributes: noise, activity, fun, artsiness, diversity? (low=1; high=5)

Q14.    Please rate your neighbourhood for the following: kid-friendliness, pet-friendliness, wheelchair accessibility, your overall satisfaction.