BISC 302 - Genetic Analysis

Professor: Dr. A.T. Beckenbach Office: SSB 7153, phone 291-3341


Required: Mertens and Hammersmith. Genetics Laboratory Investigations.

Recommended: Any modern genetics textbook, for reference.


Description: Lecture/Laboratory course using model organismal systems for genetic analysis.

The laboratory will include experiments involving several model organisms, including Drosophila, the filamentous fungus, Sordaria, and the bacterium E. coli.

Experiments will include mapping, using standard genetic crosses, as well as tetrad analysis with linear tetrads. Students will examine chromosomes including human chromosome preparations and preparations from selected invertebrates and plants, and attempt to prepare both mitotic and polytene chromosomes for observation.

Other laboratories will cover extraction and quantification of DNA, as well as some basic manipulations.

Some of the laboratory experiments will extend throughout the semester and will require participation outside of the regularly scheduled laboratory period. Write ups will be required for all laboratory exercises.

The lecture topics will include a review of standard genetic mapping, advanced mapping and tetrad analysis, mechanisms of recombination, mutagenesis, cytogenetics, transposable elements, genetic imprinting, organellar genomes and population genetics.

Grading: Grades will be based on two in class examinations (25% each) and the written reports on the laboratory exercises.