Spring 2001
Instructor: | Dr. Bruce Brandhorst
Office: SSB 7157 Email: brandhor@sfu.ca |
Description/topics: | General Course Description: (from calendar)
Intensive examination of the recent literature in modern molecular studies of the development and differentiation of animal systems. Emphasis will be on molecular mechanisms which underlie basic developmental phenomena (3-0-0). Lecture topics: The course will consist of lectures and discussions of assigned papers on a range of topics. The specific topics will be drawn from current research fronts and controversies, and some will be selected by students. Topics will include a consideration of mechanisms of cellular specification and determination, establishment of axes of polarity, morphogen gradients and pattern formation, signaling systems involved in inductive interactions, multipotent stem cells, and gene regulatory networks in early embryos. Experimental approaches will be considered in some detail. Implications for macroevolution will be considered. Embryos of several animal species will be considered including frogs, mice, ascidians, sea urchins, nematodes, and Drosophila (the latter only in specialized contexts to reduce overlap with other courses). |
Grading: | Grades will be based on five written critiques/summaries of papers in the literature (75%), participation in discussions (10%), and the presentation of a mini-lecture to the class (15%). There will be no Final Exam, but at the discretion of the instructor and after consultation with the class, an examination worth 25% may be given on the last day of class. |
Recommended text: | Developmental Biology, by Scott Gilbert, 6th edition (2000), Sinauer. (Earlier editions of the text would be useful as alternatives). The text will be helpful for acquiring background on topics and assigned readings from review articles and the primary literature, but required readings in the text will not be assigned. |
Materials: | Assigned readings will be handed out or placed on reserve. |
Prerequisites: | BISC 333 and BISC 331 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of the instructor. |