Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Elle
Room B8230
Prerequisite: BISC 204 with a grade of C- or better and 75 semester hours.
Course Fee: $14.80
Course Description: The study of the distribution and abundance
of plants, including how individuals, populations, and communities are
affected by abiotic (climate, soil) and biotic (competition, herbivory)
factors. The special problems experienced by plants, as sedentary organisms,
will be a main focus in our discussion of life history evolution (pollination,
defence, dispersal) and population and community dynamics.
Laboratory: Experiments and observations of ecological
phenomena, including experiments on competition, pollination, and herbivory,
and vegetation sampling in multiple habitats. Field work is integral to
this course; be prepared for outdoor work, rain or shine! Laboratories
begin Monday, September 11.
Text: Recommended
M. Begon, J. L. Harper, and C. R. Townsend. 1996. Ecology: Individuals,
populations, and communities. Blackwell Science.
Midterm: 30%
Final: 40%
Laboratory reports: 30%