The final exam will cover material from weeks 4, 8, 9, 10, and 11. You will be asked to identify insect specimens to order and family using the taxonomic keys in your textbook. Try to become familiar with the insect specimens in each of the labs, and learn the features that define each order and family. For many of the insect specimens, you should be able to identify their order by sight alone, without having to key them out. You will be permitted to bring your textbook with you to the final exam, so make sure you have a physical copy (no electronic versions of the textbook will be permitted). You may make small notes in your textbook of a few words max., or add labelled tabs to your textbook, but you are not allowed to bring pages of notes with you or write large paragraphs in your textbook.


The final exam will consist of 20-30 insect specimens that will be set up in small styrofoam boxes at the front of the room. The specimens will be numbered and will correspond to a question on the exam sheet. Each student will take one insect specimen at a time to their lab space and identify the order/and or family. For some insect specimens, you will be asked to list out the steps you use to key out the insect. You may work at your own pace and identify the insect specimens in any order you choose. The lab final will take place during regular lab hours, and you will have the full 4 hours to complete the exam. All insect specimens on the exam will be from the same insect families that you worked with in each of the labs. However, they may not be the exact same specimens, as we may choose to provide a different (but very taxonomically similar) species of insect on the exam. You should be able to key these insect out using the same steps that you used during each of the labs.


Each correctly identified order or family on the exam will be worth 1 mark. For the questions which ask you to list your keying steps, each correctly listed step will be worth 1 mark. The final exam is worth 15% of your total mark for the course.

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Website created by Nathan Woodbury