Scholarship, Award and Bursary Application Files
All University Departments (General Records Series)
Name, address, telephone number, age, sex, marital status, family status, disability, student number, social insurance number, medical and psychological history, educational history, financial history, employment history, third party opinions about the individual, individual’s own views or opinions.
Information is collected for the purpose of adjudicating a scholarship, award or bursary application. Personal information is disclosed only for the purpose for which it was obtained or compiled or for a use consistent with that purpose, including internal reporting for Financial Aid and Award staff and SFU departments, University Advancement office, donors of awards, and occasional press releases. Students sign consent forms to permit the release of the following personal information: name, faculty/department, student's GPA, name of award, award criteria, and amount of award.
Students sign consent forms to permit personal information to be disclosed. Personal information may be disclosed to funders (individual or organization who donated the funding for an award), to SFU departments who nominate a student for an award, University Advancement, or through (very occasional) press releases.
Student applicants for scholarships, awards, bursaries.
University Act (RSBC 1996, c. 468).
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165).
Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee (SGAAC) Terms of Reference.
Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee(SUAAC) Terms of Reference.