Staff and Dependent Tuition Fee Waivers
Student Services
Name, date of birth, family status, student number, social insurance number, financial information, and educational information.
The University collects and uses the personal information contained in these records to administer the tuition waiver benefit and to report the taxable income of University employees to the Canada Revenue Agency.
Staff members of Student Services, Payroll, Human Resources, and eligible employees' home departments use the personal information contained in the tuition fee waivers. The University discloses the personal information to the Canada Revenue Agency to report employees' taxable income.
Individuals taking courses at the University whose fees are waived pursuant to collective agreements between the University and its unions.
University Act (RSBC 1996, c. 468).
Income Tax Act (RSC 1985, c. I-3.3).
SFU Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Tuition Waiver (SFU Policy AD 9-10).
Tuition Waiver (SFU Policy AD 10-12), Tuition Waiver (SFU Policy A 21-05).