People of the past used stone, wood, and bone to create a variety of tools. Although stone tools are more commonly found in archaeological settings, it is likely that bone and wood tools had an important function in soceities of the past.
This web page will go over several types of wood, bone, and stone tools to highlight the numerous types of tools used by people of the past, and how the shape and size of the tool affects it's function.
Totem Poles at the SFU Museum are on loan from the Royal British Columbia Museum. Photographs by Mary Forbes, 2000-2001. All other photographs are artifacts in the gallery of the SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Photographs courtesy of Dr. Donna Geerts, and Mary Forbes, 2000-2001.
Virtual exhibits adapted for the web by Gwen L. Wild and Dr. Barbara J. Winter.
Adapted for AEM by Melissa Rollit and Denee Renouf, 2016.