Original 1993 site, revised 2005. 

Some content outdated.



Spearpoint from the Charlie Lake Cave archaeological site

Thousands of years ago massive glaciers covered North America. They scoured the land and created new features that had a profound effect on how people lived and survived in the past.  Today, we still live with the effects of the last glacial period - where we live, how we travel across the land, and even economically. With the discovery of new archaeological sites, the development of new analytical and dating techniques and the willingness of researchers to evaluate new data, archaeologists and scientists can use the principles of glaciation, deglaciation and rebound to understand the past and to envision the ancient landscapes on which people lived and survived for thousands of years. Come explore our website and learn more about the archaeology of North America and beyond during and after the Ice Age! Scroll over any image for further information.

Please note that some of the dates listed in this website and the views and terminology expressed in the videos may have changed since this website was created and published in 1994.

Okii niitakkaiksi. Hello my friends.

Nitannikkoo Oathkoatsskinaa. My name is Yellowhorn.

Tsikimmattsiitsip kanisthkaottaistotokissawoo. I am very glad that you are able to visit here.

Niipit. Come on in.

Staamiinaakitsikopit. Stay for a while.

Stammisstssiiwatoat aamistsi tsinikiisinaksistsi. Read the articles we have here.

Stammatskootoot. Come again.

Éy Swayel. Greetings.

Stelómethet tel sxwíx. My name is Stelomethet.

Stó:lõ tsel. I am Stó:lõ.

Ye éyo mitl’ te s’ólh téméxw tel si:yám si:yáye. Xáxa téméxw te’i. Welcome to our territory, my respected friends. This land is sacred.

Wai, Gvuklaut, Wawaxtus, Ihawini Sasm, dadqnialas lilkvla klay. Hey! People of the house/community, relatives, precious children, different nations.

Xanius Tlanugva. I am Xanius.

Nugvaila gakxla Hailhzaqv. I am Heiltsuk.

Nugvaila gakxla gvuiyas Hailhzaqv. I belong to the Raven crest of Heiltsuk.