Choir Rehearsal mp3 files for Spring 2020
For each piece of music, there is one recording of all the
parts together (with piano when appropriate), mixed between the left and
right channels, and one recording for the each of the
individual parts with the featured part on the left channel and the other
parts on the right channel.
PLEASE NOTE that you need to listen to these files IN STEREO otherwise some of the parts will be missing. For the "all parts versions" the parts are distributed on both channels to give the recording some shape: Soprano near-right, Altos near-left, Tenors far-right, Basses far-left.
For those of you with music transcription programs of your own, I've created MIDI and MusicXML files from my own program. I've also added files in the MuseScore format; the free Musescore rogram can be found at . Stuff like Clef changes, odd time signatures, piano ornaments like trills and apagios can get pretty mangled on translation, or cause your reader to crash. Your mileage may vary.
Musescore files are here (Need Musescore v3)
Musescore zipped archive
MusicXML files are here
MusicXML zipped archive
Midi files are here
Midi zipped archive
All the mp3 files are here (or use the index below)