Discovery II Building
8888 University Dr.
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
Email: xingyu_tian [at]
I am a PhD student (transfered from MASc) in Computer Engineering at the Simon Fraser University, advised by Prof. Zhenman Fang. Currently, my research interests include: FPGA-based hardware accelerator design, automated design space exploration. Prior to SFU, I received my B.S. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Currently I am focusing on maintaining the Rodinia-HLS and processing further optimizations for different accelerators.
Rodinia-hls is an FPGA version of the widely used GPU benchmark suie Rodinia, written in HLS (High-Level Synthesis) C/C++. This project was initiated by Dr. Zhenman Fang when he was a postdoc at UCLA, mentoring a few summer intern students. Now it is updated and maintained by the SFU-HiAccel group at SFU, led by Dr. Fang.