CMPT 365: Multimedia System, Spring 2017

Instructor: Xiaochuan Chen <>
Lectures: Mo, We, Fr 2:30 PM – 3:20 PM in AQ 3149
Xiaochuan's office hours: Wed 10:45-11:45am TASC1 8002 (You're always welcome to ask questions through emails, and I'll normally answer in the same day)
TAs: Saeedeh Afshari <>
TA's office hours: Mon 4:30-5:30pm ASB9808

About the course

Multimedia has become an indispensable part of modern computer technology. In this course, students will be introduced to principles and current technologies of multimedia system design and gain hands-on experience in this area. Topics include multimedia systems design, multimedia hardware and software, issues in effectively representing, processing, and transmitting multimedia data such as text, graphics, sound and music, image and video.


CMPT 225.


All announcement will be sent through the course mailinglist; please check it regularly

Lecture Slides



Where to check grades:

If you have any questions about your grades (assignments/exams), please follow these steps:

  1. (Within 2 weeks) Check with TA because she did the marking
  2. Check with me if you disagree with TA's judgment
  3. No appeal will be accepted after 3 weeks (shorter period for last assignment and final exam -- TBA)

Late Penalty: Assignments and Term Project are due as specified in CourSys. For each day late, 10% of the total possible points will be deducted. No work will be accepted after two days late.
To request an extension or deferral for medical reasons, please fill this form together with doctor's note and submit in advance.


Fundamentals of Multimedia, 2nd Edition, Z.-N. Li, M.S. Drew, and J. Liu, Springer, 2014