@ Simon Fraser University:

MATH 800-4 (Selected Topics: Modelling of Complex Social Systems) Fall 2011

CMPT 880 (Topics in Computing Science: Modeling of Complex Social Systems) Fall 2008

MATH 158 (Calculus II for the Social Sciences) Spring 2007

MATH 308 (Linear Programming) Summer 2006

MATH 343 (Applied Discrete Mathematics) Fall 2005

@ University of Calgary:

CPSC 517 (Design and Analysis of Algorithms II) Winter 2005

@ Carleton University:

MATH 2107 (Linear Algebra II) Summer 2003

MATH 1119 (Linear Algebra: with Applications to Business and Economics) Fall 2003

MATH 3101 (Algebraic Structures with Computer Applications) Fall 2003

MATH 1119 (Linear Algebra: with Applications to Business and Economics) Winter 2004

MATH 2107 (Linear Algebra II) Winter 2004

MATH 0005 (Precalculus: Functions and Graphs) Summer 2004

Vahid Dabbaghian