This joint review appeared in History of European Ideas, vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 97-99 (1987).
What is a Law of Nature?, D.M. Armstrong (Cambridge University
Press, 1983), 180 pp.
The Concept of a Physical Law, Norman Swartz
(Cambridge University Press, 1985), 220 pp., $29.95, £22.50.
Looking backwards, one can locate in the mid-1960s a crisis, that
is to say, a turning point in western conceptions of science. The
last twenty years have witnessed a flood tide of
social-historical, antiobjectivist and increasingly subjectivist
interpretations of science, climaxing (?) in the current 'strong
programme' in the sociology of science and technology (Barnes,
Collins, Knorr-Cetina, McKenzie, Mulkay, Pinch, Restivo and
Shapin, among many others), defending the thesis that even the
most technical details of artifacts and theories are social
constructions burdened with parochial ideologies.
This characterisation is only partly accurate, however, for
alongside the rejection of objectivism there has grown an
increasingly insistent defence of objective knowledge. As early
as 1966, Israel Scheffler, in his Science and Subjectivity,
attempted to undo the subjectivisation of knowledge that he,
correctly, foresaw following from the work of Polanyi, Kuhn and
Hanson. Scheffler attempted a reformulation of the objectivity of
the given that was widely perceived at the time not only as
unsuccessful, but as reactionary: refusing the liberation of
science from the clutches of logical positivism and analytical
philosophy promised by the new subjectivists. (Ironically, Kuhn's
Structure of Scientific Revolutions was published by the
Encyclopaedia of the Unified Sciences!)
Subsequently, the accelerating radicalisation of knowledge has
elicited responses from a wide range of philosophers, historians
and social scientists who have suddenly confronted the anarchic
implications for their own work of ceding objectivity and
embracing the ubiquity of ideology. The result has been a spring
tide (not yet of flood proportions) of realist interpretations of
science and scientific knowledge. Three recent contributions to
this literature are R. Tuomela's Science, Action and Reality,
D.M. Armstrong's What is a Law of Nature? and N. Swartz's The
Concept of Physical Law.
Swartz's and Armstrong's books bear to one another something of the
relationship of yin and yang in the well-known visual symbol
called the t'ai chi: superficially antipodal, each bears within
it a seed of its opposite. Armstrong argues a philosophical
realist position in which universals are both logically and
ontologically prior to particular events in the world, and in
which particular events are the necessary instantiations of their
universals. Swartz argues a nominalist position in which
particular events, in virtue of being all there is to reality,
are both logically and ontologically prior to universals. Swartz
sharply distinguishes his conception of physical law from what
are called 'laws' in the practice of science, to the detriment of
the latter, while Armstrong identifies science with knowledge.
Where Armstrong dismisses with barely concealed contempt the
Regularity Theory of laws of nature and embraces a Prescriptivist
view in which laws are more real than, and in some sense dictate,
their empirical instantiations, Swartz dismisses Prescriptivism as
secular Providentialism and embraces a version of the Regularity
Theory in which what are called 'laws' are no more than summative
expressions of the particular events that actually occur in the
world (although strictly speaking, for Swartz, events are
themselves nonunique constructions woven out of particular
What binds Swartz and Armstrong in complex reciprocal opposition
is that both offer scholastic propositional interpretations of
truth and cognate metaphysical interpretations of propositions
from which their characterisations of science and knowledge
follow; both defend versions of realism and objectivism; and both resort to
rhetorical devices (repetition, dogmatic insistence) when
argument flags.
Armstrong's monograph, its title notwithstanding, is not an
inquiry into the nature of what are called 'laws of nature', but
an application of the author's earlier (1978) Universals and
Scientific Realism. Armstrong here assumes the truth of the
following propositions: that 'laws exist independently of the
minds which attempt to grasp them' (p.7); that a Regularity
Theory underlies all anti-Realist views of laws of nature; that
universals have a real existence such that 'any satisfactory
account of laws of nature must involve universals and irreducible
relations between them' (p.10); that 'we should not postulate any
particulars except actual particulars' (pp.8-9); and that 'science
plays the vanguard role in gaining knowledge and/or reasonable
beliefs about the world' (p.4).
Part One of What is a Law of Nature? is a tendentious
'destructive critique' of non-Realist views of the regularities
we 'discover' in phenomena. Armstrong simply finds unintelligible
any other interpretation of phenomenal regularities than a
noumenal architectonic of which both phenomena and their genuine
correlations are necessary instantiations. Any other view
inevitably falls prey to inductive scepticism which, to
Armstrong, is fundamentally irrational because it entails
scepticism of the rationality of inferences to the best possible
explanation. Armstrong insists that rationality ultimately means
inference to the best possible explanation, that nothing else can
be called 'rational' if inference to the best possible explanation
is not rational, and so any basis for science that is vulnerable
to inductive scepticism is eo ipso fatally flawed.
Part Two argues Armstrong's 'positive theses': that laws of
nature are 'dyadic relations of necessitation (or
probabilification) holding between universals' (p.172); that all
genuine laws of nature are instantiated laws, so that functional
laws, which necessarily entail uninstantiated cases, are
higher-order laws from which lower-order instantiations are
derived by substituting particular values for independent
variables; that irreducibly probabilistic laws (as in quantum
mechanics), of which deterministic laws are limiting cases, are
also relations between universals, relations 'constituted by a
certain objective probability' that instances of the antecedent
universal will necessitate instances of the consequent universal;
that 'all laws [of nature] link a state of affairs where a
particular has a property with a state of affairs where that same
particular has a further property' (p.173).
The argument in Swartz's book also rests on an earlier work for
its full comprehension, in his case on the 1979 book Possible
Worlds, coauthored with R. Bradley, in which they offer an
ontology of propositions. This is a necessary complement to
Swartz's thesis in this monograph because for Swartz physical laws
are propositions of a certain sort, namely, 'contingently true
conditionals, of universal or statistical form all of whose
non-logical and mathematical terms are purely descriptive
predicates' (p.33). (A predicate will be 'purely descriptive' if
it does not refer in a spatio-temporally specific way to its
subject term.) Physical laws are thus always true, but have no
epistemic properties. Scientific laws, on the other hand, are
calculating algorithms expressive always of sets of simplifying
assumptions and approximations that give scientific laws
explanatory power, but guarantee that virtually all scientific
laws are false! True propositions, of which physical laws are a
subset, are abstract objects and for Swartz, in direct opposition
to Armstrong on this very same point, 'abstract objects are just
not the right sorts of things – ontologically speaking – to ground,
account for, or constitute the truth conditions of, physical
possibilities' (p.99).
Physical laws are reducible to singular propositions about the
world and owe their truth to singular facts of the world (p.
107). But even our particular descriptions of the world, out of
which physical laws are spun, are not and cannot be unique
inventories of atomic events in the manner of
Wittgenstein-of-the-Tractatus (p.38). Only events under
descriptions can 'fall under a physical law, but descriptions are
necessarily non-unique. This implies that there are a virtual
infinity of physical laws,
reflecting not an infinity of events in the world, but the
limitless ways in which events can be created out of what
actually transpires in the world.
From the vast number of physical laws that must exist, that is,
from the vast number of true propositions describing, in the
manifold ways compatible with the definition of a physical
law-type of proposition, what actually has transpired in the
world, Swartz derives the mutual compatibility of freedom and
determinism. (His resolution of this problem is strikingly
similar to a popular treatment by Raymond Smullyan in the essay
'Is God a Taoist?', in his The Tao is Silent, Harper & Row, New
York, 1977.) Swartz argues that the Laplacean version of
determinism is simply wrong, independent of quantum mechanics and
its notorious uncertainty relations, because it rests on the
erroneous suppositions that there are only a finite, indeed only
a manageably small, number of physical laws each of which have
already been instanced.
For Swartz, determinism is both true and non-prescriptive because
physical laws only describe what does happen in the world, not
what must happen. Thus, humans are free 'to the extent that the
truths describing what we do derive solely from what we do' and
this freedom is possible because of the complexity of the world,
a complexity that is in no way reduced simply by describing every
event that transpires as the second member of a sequence falling
under a universal physical law (p.32). Following Bar-Hillel,
Swartz identifies this complexity with the infinite number of
state descriptions – here, the infinite number of descriptions
defining the events that then are made to fall under physical
laws – characteristic even of systems vastly less complicated than
the world of our experience.
There is much more in this rich little book which, seemingly the
antithesis of Armstrong's book in so many particulars,
nevertheless shares with the latter a number of central
commitments. It is not too arch to say that if a reader were to
choose one book reflecting current notions of the status of laws
of nature, these two books would be one good book to choose.
Lehigh University, Pennsylvania