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[253] Results of the one minute essay, notes online, elive link

Dear 253,

Thanks for your good humour today and the wonderful "one minute" essays - I have just started reading them and will continue on the bus on the way home tonight.

I quickly went through the paper submissions (85 in all) and can report the following:

65 - no suggestions on improvement (although that's probably NOT because there is nothing to improve...)

22 - with suggestions/requests

of those 22...

3 did a drawing (various things, mainly representational, but one abstract) - nice work, but don't give up on university...

1 suggested I dance (a "jig") during the break - hmmm.

3 said everything was "fine" (or worse to that effect) ... thanks!

1 hoped for the powerpoint slides *before* the lecture - I can't promise this, but I will try...

1 suggested that I emphasize "key concepts" - good idea, see next e-mail

1 wondered if I could provide contemporary chinese examples in my lectures - I'd like to, but I will probably need help on this; anyone should feel free to suggest an example ; I will have prizes for good examples

1 asked if we could have longer breaks so they can get through the bathroom line - I don't want to do this, our time is short enough already, but what I *will* do is lead an expedition of anyone who wants to come with me next time to find alternative bathrooms at Harbour Centre... I know some hidden ones.

5 mentioned that they were either "drowning in information" or wished that I would slow down - this, I think, is a very important finding, because if five people felt this way, probably another 20 would agree. So, I will try to slow down, and I will have rewards (free coffee or cookie) for those who ask for me to "go over that again".

Thanks for all your suggestions. And all your one minute essays!


Richard Smith, Associate Professor School of Communication
Simon Fraser University, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, CANADA V6B 5K3
Phone: 604 291 5116 Web: http://www.sfu.ca/~smith/ Mobitus: 2001 1070 0578 skype - callto://richard_k_smith
PGP Public Key: http://arago.cprost.sfu.ca/smith/richardsmithpublickey.asc