Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

Spring 1999
MWF 9:30
AQ 5029

Martin Siegert office: SH1014
phone: 4691
email: siegert@sfu.ca
office hours: any time!

Textbook (recommended)

"Equilibrium Statistical Physics", 2nd Edition
Authors: Plischke & Bergerson
Publishers: World Scientific Publisher

Course Description

Review of thermodynamics and ensembles, ideal gases, quantum statistics, imperfect classical gases, magnetic models, phase transitions and critical phenomena, Landau theory, renormalization group methods. If time permits, I will discuss some topics in time-dependent statistical mechanics such as the Boltzmann equation, Langevin equations and methods of fluctuating hydrodynamics.

Prerequisite: PHYS 345, or equivalent.

Outline of Topics

  • Microcanonical, Canonical and Grand Canonical Ensembles
  • Quantum statistics
  • Correlation functions in fluids, cluster expansions, virial equation of state
  • Introduction to phase transitions and Landau theory
  • Ising and related models - mean field theory, series expansions
  • Critical phenomena, renormalization group theory
  • Some topics in time-dependent statistical mechanics (time permitting)


Assigments and a final examination with the marks divided as
Problems50 %


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