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[linux-security] ed symlink vulnerability

Symlink attacks in ed.

Problem Description
The ed editor used files in /tmp with predictable names. By using various
symlink attacks, it is possible for local users to exploit this vulnerability
to modify files that they normally would not have write permissions. That way
they can change the permissions of various files and gain elevated privileges.

Affected Systems
All systems that use ed under Linux (probably all Linux systems).


RedHat 6.x
rpm -Fvh ed-0.2-19.6x.i386.rpm

RedHat 7.0
rpm -Fvh ed-0.2-19.i386.rpm

Mandrake 6.x, 7.0
rpm -Fvh ed-0.2-15.1mdk.i586.rpm

Mandrake 7.1
rpm -Fvh ed-0.2-17.1mdk.i586.rpm

Mandrake 7.2
rpm -Fvh ed-0.2-21.1mdk.i586.rpm

Debian 2.2 (potato)
upgrade to ed_0.2-18.1_i386.deb