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[linux-security] insecure temp file creation in LPRng

insecure temp file creation in LPRng

Problem Description
psbanner, a printer filter that creates a PostScript format banner and is
part of LPRng, insecurely creates a temporary file for debugging purpose
when it is configured as filter. The program does not check whether this
file already exists or is linked to another place, psbanner writes its
current environment and called arguments to the file unconditionally with
the user id that LPRng is running as. An attacker could cause arbitrary
files to be written under the id of the LPRng user.

Affected Versions
LPRng-3.8.20 and earlier

Upgrade to version 3.8.21 or patched version for your distribution

RedHat 7.1
rpm -Fvh LPRng-3.7.4-23.2.i386.rpm

RedHat 7.2
rpm -Fvh LPRng-3.7.4-28.2.i386.rpm

RedHat 7.3
rpm -Fvh LPRng-3.8.9-4.1.i386.rpm

RedHat 8.0
rpm -Fvh LPRng-3.8.9-6.1.i386.rpm

RedHat 9
rpm -Fvh LPRng-3.8.19-3.1.i386.rpm

Debian 3.0 (woody)
upgrade to lprng_3.8.10-1.2_i386.deb

Debian 2.2 (potato)
not affected