Film Trailer: What is a Yeti? (2014)

Final Film Trailer


"What is a Yeti?" is about a woman, who does Google search "What is a Yeti?" Suddenly, the desktop does not work, and she get sucked into the computer, and comes into a virtual world to see a real monster-Yeti.

Video shooting and Sound design skills

  • used pan camera movement in the first 5 seconds shooting by a slider.
  • shoot the woman in a green room for cutting away the actress and replacing a new background.
  • applied some composition principle, such as rule of third, framing, and point of view.
  • applied some types of shots, such as close up shot, low angle shot, medium shot, and long shot.
  • applied "Three points" lighting (key light, fill light and background light) for indoor screens.
  • used two parts of music for background music.
  • I recorded some sounds, such as the woman's scream, "Hah" monster sound, clicking mouse sound, coffee cup sound, sound of hitting on the ground, and so forth.


sketching image
film trailer storyboard

Visual Effects

  • Keylight effect: I changed the background when the woman sucked into a "Yeti" world.
  • Fire effect: I used pen tool to mask a fire shape, and tricked the fire folowing the woman's movement.
  • Trace and trick: I made a motion tricker to make the fire following the eyes of the monster.
  • Melting effect: When the woman sucked into the computer, she gradually melted.
  • Shaken sceen effect: transform position and scale.
  • Glowing effect: I make the sceen of the computer glow a white light, by combining mask and transform.
  • Smoke effect: I made a dust flying effect when the woman dropped down the ground, combining fractal and triton effect.
  • Title sequene: I used a bloody font for my name of the film.

visual effect image 1
use After Effect to make a glowing and a melting effect

Technical Editing

technical image 1
make a shadow of the monster face in the girl's eyes, and use tricker to trick movement of eyes
technical image 2
shot in a green screen for removing background