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@article{BOTTA2012A, author = {David Botta and Robert Woodbury}, title = {Predicting topic shift locations in design history}, journal = {Research in Engineering Design}, year = 2012, key = {Botta}, volume = {24}, number = {3}, pages = {1-14}, note = {DOI 10.1007/s00163-012-0141-1} }
@inproceedings{CHEN2010A, author = {V. Chen and D. Dunsmuir and S. Alimadadi and E. Lee and J. Guenther and J. Dill and C. Qian and C.D. Shaw and M. Stone and R. Woodbury}, title = {Model based Interactive Analysis of Interwoven, Imprecise Narratives}, key = {Chen}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Visual Analytics Science \& Technology}, pages = {275-276}, year = 2010, address = {Salt Lake City, UT}, month = {24-29 October}, publisher = {IEEE}, note = {VAST 2010 Mini Challenge \#1 Award: Outstanding Interaction Model} }
@article{CHEN2013A, author = {Chen, Yingjie Victor and Qian, Zhenyu Cheryl and Woodbury, Robert and Dill, John and Shaw, Chris D.}, title = {Employing a Parametric Model for Analytic Provenance}, journal = {ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst.}, issue_date = {April 2014}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, month = apr, year = {2014}, issn = {2160-6455}, pages = {6:1--6:32}, articleno = {6}, numpages = {32}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2591510}, doi = {10.1145/2591510}, acmid = {2591510}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Dependency graph, analytical reasoning, history, user interaction, visual scripting}, abstract = {We introduce a propagation-based parametric symbolic model approach to support analytic provenance. This approach combines a script language to capture and encode the analytic process and a parametrically controlled symbolic model to represent and reuse the logic of the analysis process. Our approach first appeared in a visual analytics system called CZSaw. Using a script to capture the analyst's interactions at a meaningful system action level allows creating a parametrically controlled symbolic model in the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Using the DAG allows propagating changes. Graph nodes correspond to variables in CZSaw scripts, which are results (data and data visualizations) generated from user interactions. The user interacts with variables representing entities or relations to create the next step's results. Graph edges represent dependency relationships among nodes. Any change to a variable triggers the propagation mechanism to update downstream dependent variables and in turn updates data views to reflect the change. The analyst can reuse parts of the analysis process by assigning new values to a node in the graph. We evaluated this symbolic model approach by solving three IEEE VAST Challenge contest problems. In each of these challenges, the analyst first created a symbolic model to explore, understand, analyze, and solve a particular sub-problem and then reused the model via its dependency graph propagation mechanism to solve similar sub-problems. With the script and model, CZSaw supports the analytics provenance by capturing, encoding, and reusing the analysis process. The analyst can recall the chronological states of the analysis process with CZSaw script, and may interpret the underlying rationale of the analysis with the symbolic model.} }
@inproceedings{DUNSMUIR2010A, author = {D. Dunsmuir and M.Z. Baraghoush and V. Chen and M.E. Joorabchi and S. Alimadadi and E. Lee and J. Dill and C. Qian and C.D. Shaw and R. Woodbury}, title = {{CZS}aw, {I}MAS \& {T}ableau: Collaboration among Teams}, key = {Dunsmuir}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Visual Analytics Science \& Technology}, pages = {267-268}, year = 2010, address = {Salt Lake City, UT}, month = {24-29 October}, publisher = {IEEE}, note = {VAST 2010 Grand Challenge Award: Excellent Student Team Analysis} }
@inproceedings{DUNSMUIR2012A, author = {Dustin Dunsmuir and Eric Lee and Chris D. Shaw and Maureen Stone and Robert Woodbury and John Dill}, title = {A Focus + Context Technique for Visualizing a Document Collection}, key = {Dunsmuir}, booktitle = {Hawai\'i International Conference on System Sciences}, pages = {1835-1844}, year = 2012, address = {Maui, Hawai\'i}, publisher = {IEEE}, month = {January} }
@article{HUANG2014A, author = {Dandan Huang and Melanie Tory and Bon Adriel Asenerio and Lyn Bartram and Scott Bateman and Sheelaugh Carpendale and Tony Tang and Robert Woodbury}, title = {Personal Visualization and Personal Visual Analytics}, key = {Huang}, year = 2014, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, note = {to appear}, abstract = {Data surrounds each and every one of us in our daily lives, ranging from logs of exercise and diet, to information about our home energy use, to archives of our interactions with others on social media, to online resources pertaining to our hobbies and interests. There is enormous potential for us to collect and use data to understand ourselves better and make positive changes in our lives. Visualization (Vis) and Visual Analytics (VA) offer substantial opportunity to help individuals gain insight and knowledge about themselves and their communities and interests; however, designing and applying visualization tools to support the analysis of data in one’s non-professional life brings a unique set of research and design challenges. We investigate the requirements, characteristics and possible research directions required to take full advantage of Vis and VA in a personal context. First we develop a taxonomy of design dimensions based on research in the literature to provide a coherent vocabulary for discussing Personal Visualization and Personal Visual Analytics (PV&PVA). We then examine where the systems from the literature fit with respect to the design dimensions. By identifying and exploring clusters within the above design space, we discuss challenges and share our perspectives on future research. This work brings together research that was previously scattered across several disciplines. Our goal is to call research attention to this space and engage the visualization community to explore the enabling techniques and technology that will support people to better understand data relevant to their personal lives, interests, and needs.} }
@inproceedings{KADIVAR2009A, author = {Nazanin Kadivar and Victor Chen and Dustin Dunsmuir and Eric Lee and Cheryl Qian and John Dill and Christopher Shaw and Robert Woodbury}, title = {Capturing and Supporting the Analysis Process}, key = {Kadivar}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of {IEEE} {V}isual {A}nalytics {S}cience and {T}echnology}, organization = {IEEE, Atlantic City, NJ}, month = {October 11-16}, pages = {131-138}, year = 2009, annote = {\relax\par {\bfseries Abstract:} \emph{Visual analytics tools provide powerful visual representations in order to support the sense-making process. In this process, analysts typically iterate through sequences of steps many times, varying parameters each time. Few visual analytics tools support this process well, nor do they provide support for visualizing and understanding the analysis process itself. To help analysts understand, explore, reference, and reuse their analysis process, we present a visual analytics system named {CZS}aw (See-Saw) that provides an editable and re-playable history navigation channel in addition to multiple visual representations of document collections and the entities within them (in a manner inspired by Jigsaw [24]). Conventional history navigation tools range from basic undo and redo to branching timelines of user actions. In {CZS}aw’s approach to this, first, user interactions are translated into a script language that drives the underlying scripting-driven propagation system. The latter allows analysts to edit analysis steps, and ultimately to program them. Second, on this base, we build both a history view showing progress and alternative paths, and a dependency graph showing the underlying logic of the analysis and dependency relations among the results of each step. These tools result in a visual model of the sense-making process, providing a way for analysts to visualize their analysis process, to reinterpret the problem, explore alternative paths, extract analysis patterns from existing history, and reuse them with other related analyses.}} }
@inproceedings{WOODBURY07K, author = {Yingjie (Victor) Chen and Zhenyu (Cheryl) Qian and Robert Woodbury}, booktitle = {CAADFutures 2007}, key = {Chen}, month = {July}, organization = {CAADFutures Foundation}, pages = {403-416}, title = {Local Navigation can Reveal Implicit Relations}, year = 2007 }
@inproceedings{WOODBURY2014A, author = {Eric Lee and Ankit Gupta and David Darvill and John Dill and Christopher D Shaw and Robert Woodbury}, title = {The {CZS}aw {N}otes Case Study}, key = {Lee}, booktitle = {Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA 2014)}, year = 2014, month = {February}, organization = {SPIE}, pages = {901706-14}, doi = {10.1117/12.2041318}, url = { http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2041318}, abstract = {Analysts need to keep track of their analytic findings, observations, ideas, and hypotheses throughout the analysis process. While some visual analytics tools support such note-taking needs, these notes are often represented as objects separate from the data and in a workspace separate from the data visualizations. Representing notes the same way as the data and integrating them with data visualizations can enable analysts to build a more cohesive picture of the analytical process. We created a note-taking functionality called CZNotes within the visual analytics tool CZSaw for analyzing unstructured text documents. CZNotes are designed to use the same model as the data and can thus be visualized in CZSaw's existing data views. We conducted a preliminary case study to observe the use of CZNotes and observed that CZNotes has the potential to support progressive analysis, to act as a shortcut to the data, and supports creation of new data relationships.} }
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