CMPT 383 
Comparative Programming Languages

The objective of this course is to give the student a better understanding of non-imperative programming, and other non-traditional programming paradigms. Various concepts and principles underlying the design and use of modern programming languages are considered. We will take a detailed look at a pure functional programming language, Haskell, and a logic programming language, Prolog, and introduce a range of other programming languages.

As a primary reference, we will be using the book Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms, Allen B. Tucker and Robert E. Noonan, McGraw Hill, 2007.

I will also use twitter for course related updates.

Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offences, and will be treated in accordance with SFU policies. Please visit to remind yourself of the various issues.


Course Info CMPT 383 D100

  1. -Tues 2:30 - 4:20, Thurs 2:30 - 3:20 in SUR 3120

  2. -Office Hours: Tues 12:00-1:00, Thurs 1:00-2:00

  3. -Course Outline

  4. -Course Grades and Assignment Submission


  1. -popowich at

  2. -phone: +1 (778) 782-4193

  3. -office: SUR 4148

TA - Amir Hedayaty

  1. -aha49 at

  2. -Office Hours: SUR 4080, Wed, 3:00 - 4:00

Final Exam - Tues April 17, 3:30-6:30  SUR 3280