
Visual Elements:

  1. Icons (Love, Shopping Cart, Search, profile, homepage) by Made by Made from the Noun Project
  2. Question mark icon made by Pixel perfect from www.flaticon.com
  3. Social media icon vectors from Vecteezy
  4. Fonts by Christian Robertson from Google Fonts
  5. Placeholder image by COWGIRL CONTRACT CLEANING
  6. ALL product images and web content from AN.OTEHR Website

Code References:

  1. HTML and CSS References at w3schools.com
  2. 'A Complete Guide to Flexbox' last updated at April 27, 2020 from css-tricks.com
  3. 'Typical use cases of Flexbox' at developer.mozilla.org
  4. 'When To Use The Button Element' last updated at May 3, 2018 by Chris Coyier from css-tricks.com


  1. IBM's open source: Carbon Design System
  2. Website Style Guide: Code for America
  3. OAK + FORT Website
  4. Aritzia Website
  5. Adidas Official Website
  6. AN.OTEHR Website