Erasmus' Paraphrases on the New Testament: Composition, Translation, Reception

A symposium to mark the 450th anniversary of the first English version of the Paraphrases (1548-49) to be held at Victoria University, University of Toronto 1-2 October 1999 in association with the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies and the University of Toronto Press.

The symposium will gather together scholars of several disciplines from France, Switzerland, the United States, and Canada. The list of speakers includes Irena Backus, John J. Bateman, Guy Bedouelle, John Craig, R. Gerald Hobbs, Anne M. O'Donnell, Mechtilde O'Mara, Jane E. Phillips, Bernard Roussel, Erika Rummel, Robert D. Sider, Hilmar M. Pabel.

Programme of the Symposium

Registration fee: $75 Canadian. The fee is waived for graduate students.
Registration includes two lunches and coffee service. Registration fee without lunches: $50.
Cheques should be made payable to "Victoria University, CRRS."

Those attending the Symposium from outside Toronto are kindly asked to make their own arrangements for overnight stay. The following hotels are situated close to Victoria University:

  • Venture Inn (about $90 Canadian per night), telephone: 416-964-1220
  • Comfort Hotel (about $110 Canadian per night), telephone: 416-964-1222

  • Exchange rates for the Canadian dollar and other currencies.

    For further information please contact the organizers of the symposium:
    Mark Vessey, Department of English, University of British Columbia, 397-1873 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z1, or Hilmar M. Pabel, Department of History, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5A 1S6,

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    This page was last updated on 11 July 1999
    and has been visited
    times since 11 May 1998.