History 288 Home | Schedule of Readings and Assignments


Online sources: (1) Nicene Creed (325), (2) Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381), (3) Comparison of these creeds,
(4) Vincentian Canon, (5) Chalcedonian Definition

Basic Questions:

1. What passage(s) in the readings did you find particularly interesting? Why? What passage(s) did you not understand?

2. What do the readings reveal about what it meant to be a Christian?

3. What do the readings reveal about the nature of Christianity at the time in which they were produced?

Specific Questions:

4. What are the differences and the similarities between the Nicene Creed (325) and the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381)? What is the purpose of the Chalcedonian definition? How does it relate to the creeds of 325 and 381?

5. What does the Vincentian canon reveal about early Christianity? Where, according to Vincent of Lérins, can Christians find the truths of their faith?