Schedule of Weekly Readings and Questions

Muir, Ritual in Early Modern Europe, 125-97

Chapter 4: Manners and the Upper Body

Identify: Erasmus, Castiglione, Giovanni Della Casa, spinning-bee, Right of Love, duel, Bolsena, Zwingli.

1. Why does Muir use the term upper body rituals?

2. What are the most significant early modern texts on rituals for the purpose of this chapter?

3. What are the "new manners"? Why did they develop?

4. What were dining rituals? What was their purpose? Why does Muir discuss dining rituals in this chapter? Should not eating be related to lower body rituals?

5. Why do courtship and mating rituals fit into this chapter?

6. Why did ritual violence become shameful? How was it transformed?

7. What is the relationship between Chapter 4 and Chapter 3 in terms of Muir's discussion of ritual. Obviously, both chapters have to do with the body. Does Chapter 4 mark a shift in ritual from the material presented in Chapter 3?

Chapter 5: The Reformation as a Revolution in Ritual Theory

1. What are the seven sacraments? What was the function of each sacrament? What are sacramentals?

2. What positions did Renaissance humanists, Protestant reformers, and Catholic reformers take on rituals?

3. What were the conflicting interpretations of the Eucharist? Why did they conflict?

4. What is the difference between presence and representation?