"Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) National Contaminants Advisory Group (NCAG) provides scientific information and advice to DFO and other government departments on priority issues related to the biological effects of contaminants on aquatic organisms. One of the group’s functions is to fund research on priority contaminants issues.
I am pleased to announce that the DFO-NCAG 2016 Call for Proposals is now open.
Through this Call for Proposals, DFO is seeking research proposals that will ultimately enhance the Department’s scientific knowledge and support evidence-based decision-making on the biological effects of contaminants in four theme areas: aquaculture therapeutants; pesticides; oil and gas; contaminants and issues of emerging concern.
Researchers from recognized Canadian post-secondary academic institutions and Canadian non-governmental not-for-profit research organizations are eligible and encouraged to apply.
The application deadline is September 30, 2016, 11:59 pm (Pacific Daylight Time).
For further information on the application process, research priorities, and the funding horizon, please visit the NCAG website .
Please direct all inquiries to ncag-gncc@dfo-mpo.gc.ca."