I am a computer engineering student at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in the final year of my studies. This website is an outlet to share some of the things I'm working on, such as academic or personal projects. My experience includes working as an ASIC verification engineer (co-op) in the NAND storage industry, as well as a development engineer (co-op) in the laser profiling industry. In the past, I have also been a teaching assistant at SFU for the class ENSC 252: Fundamentals of Digital Logic & Design. I've also worked on the SFU Satellite Design Team for the RF communications team (formerly as the RF lead), competing in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge (CSDC).
I am passionate about digital electronics design and verification, particularly topics such as computer architecture, VLSI design processes, FPGA emulation, RTL design and verification. I am also interested in digital signal processing applications and multimedia compression techniques.
Call Sign: VA7EEV
Nicholas Polyzogopoulos
Undergraduate Student, TA
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC