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Mike Volker

Money Links

Contact: Mike Volker, Tel:(604)644-1926, Fax:(604)925-5006


The Color of Money

Money comes in three basic colors: GREEN,YELLOW, and RED. Green money comes from patient, equity-oriented investors including both private, institutional and even public investors. It is green because it allows companies to grow and prosper without being impeded by repayment obligations. Yellow money is as good as gold. It comes from government and quasi-government organizations which are part of the infra-structure support system paid for by our tax dollars. Usually this money comes in the form of grants, interest-free loans, and other forms of assistance. Red money comes from debt-oriented lenders. This includes banks, factoring houses, leasing companies, and other lenders. It is red because this is the color which the lenders see when the debt is not serviced and because you should see this as a red warning light!

For a discussion on financing technology ventures, read "From Angels to Devils".

The following "color-coded" table identifies various money sources (with a Western Canadian focus) and their respective internet web links, i.e. green for equity, yellow for subsidies, and red for debt. Links to other information sites are at the end in black.
New! On-line resource for linking investors and entrepreneurs: Capital Connector: (
MONEY LINKS for B.C. Technology Companies
EQUITY Capital (Green Money) (Green is for Growth)
ANGELS and other Investors
(VANTEC) As you can appreciate, many investors don't want a lot of publicity. But, maybe a connection can be made! Email: VANTEC (Vancouver Angel Network for Technology Enterprises). This network was launched in Apr99 and meets monthly.
BC TEL New Media and Broadcast Fund This is a recently announced (24Feb98) fund of $10m which will invest in New Media and Broadcast projects. Funding will be in the form of grants and loans. Details on the web site or call (604)432-2041 or email:
BDC Venture Capital
Contact  BDC in Vancouver at 666-7815.
Canadian Science and Technology Growth Fund For information about the fund as well as application forms and instructions
Capital Ideas Accolade Capital is an Alberta-based venture funding group seeking investment opportunities in Western Canada.
Discovery Capital This is a "boutique" source of funding. Discovery has done several VCC deals. Contact Harry Jaako via email to: or call: 257-0450
Encompass Ventures This is a USA venture group based in Kirkland, WA, keen on making investments in B.C. information technology firms. Contact: (425) 558-3624
Granville Corporate Services Granville is a corporate securities firm specializing in taking private companies public on the Nasdaq small cap market or the OTC Bulletin Board to raise equity capital. Contact Ron Jorgensen at (604)669-7511 or email to
Greenstone Venture Partners forthcoming Brent Holliday and two colleagues from BDC have recently formed this entity. Contact Brent for more info.
Interface International Interface specializes in providing "intelligent capital" ($500K - $10M) to emerging growth companies. Contact David Smith at (604)988-6575.
MDS Capital Corp. MDS Inc. is a technology-based health and life sciences company. Its venture capital arm, MDS Capital Corp, is a leading Canadian supplier of capital for emerging health and life sciences companies.  It is the manager of the Canadian Medical Discoveries Fund (CMDF). It manages over $400m. Phone: (416) 675-4530 (Toronto). Email to:
MDS Ventures Pacific Inc. (no wesbite - see MDS site)
This is the Vancouver-based subsidiary of MDS Capital Corp., providing financial and management support to biotechnology, medical devices, and health-related ventures. It manages the $20 million British Columbia Life Sciences Investment Partnership, investing primarily in B.C. based early stage companies.  Email:
Milestone Medica Milestone Medica, a venture formed by the Royal Bank and Research Corporation Technologies in October, 1997 will invest in early stage biomedical companies.
Olympic Venture Partners Contact Gerry Langeler, partner, in Portland, OR at (503)697-8766.
Pacific Century Group Ventures Ltd Contact Sherry Corlyn, Senior Account Manager via email at
Primaxis Technology Ventures Inc. Primaxis Technology Ventures Inc., is a new (Jan'99) joint venture of Royal Bank Growth Corporation (RBGC) and a global technology transfer company, BTG International Inc., to evaluate and commercialize advanced technologies developed mainly at Universities. This seed fund is capitalized at approx. $60million.
Royal Bank Capital Corp The Royal's newest and fastest VC contributor to the "knowledge based industry" sector.
University Medical Discoveries Inc (UMDI) Seed capital for Intellectual Property protection, proof of principle, prototyping, etc. for Biotech & Health Sciences. Tel: (416)213-4655.Email: Mark deGroot, VP,COO.
Vancouver Stock Exchange  For equity capital from the public marketplace. For listing info, contact: Melany Scharley, 499-3110. For a complete "slideshow" on the VSE, check:
Venture Capital Corp 
B.C. Equity Capital Program 
(no web site info)
This is the B.C. Government's Venture Capital program ($18m/yr) which provides a tax -free grant (30%) incentive for venture investors.Call 1-800-665-6597 for info.
Venture Capital Pools (VCP) The VSE offers a new (introduced 1998) equity-formation program designed to facilitate capital formation and junior public company listings on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. These will be called Capital Pool Corporations on the new Canadian Venture Exchange (late 1999).
Ventures West For traditional Venture Capital for Hi-Tech, Ventures West is recognized as a leader in Western Canada. Contact: 688-9495
Western Technology Seed Investment Fund This site belongs to Ventures West - one of the partners in this new "seed" fund. For a complete "slideshow" on this initiative, check
Working Opportunity Fund This is a B.C. labour-sponsored Investment Fund. WOF has made numerous investments in emerging companies. Contact: Mike Phillips, 688-9631 or 1-800-563-FUND
Working Ventures Canadian Fund Inc. Working Ventures is an Ontario-based fund (>$800m) which invests in SMEs. Investments typically range from $500k to $15m. And, yes, they have made some investments west of Ontario!
U.S. Angel Capital Electronic Network This is matching service set up by the US Small Business Administration. It may be a long-shot for B.C. Companies. But, you never know! Anyway, the web site may give you some ideas. More info on the SBA is at
SUBSIDIES & GRANTS (Golden Money) (Gold is Good)Notes
BC Advanced Systems Institute
(some green & gold here) Funding for Product Development, Research Projects and other collaborative support programs. Contact: Brent Sauder 689-0551. 
BC Government - TAP
The Information Science and Technology Agency announced (June 97) $1.35 million in funding to the TAP (Technology Assistance Program) to cover up to 50% of research and development costs for small firms up to $40,000 per company. Call the TAP co-ordinator in Vancouver at 221-3109 
BC Knowledge Dev. Fund The B.C. Knowledge Development Fund is administered by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education Training and Technology. It is a $100M fund for post-secondary institutions to allow them to build facilities, attract R&D talent, and collaborate with industry. 
CANARIE Inc. CANARIE Inc. is a not-for-profit, industry-led and managed consortium which was created as an innovative way for the federal government, the research community and the private sector to collaborate in stimulating the development of the Information Highway in Canada. 
Export Support Programs Canadian Commercial Corp:
Export Development Corp:
Lots of specialized financial assistance is available for exporters. Check out some of these web sites. 
Your friendly bank will also help you out and refer you to helpful agencies & trade associations.
Human Resources Development Canada Various financial assistance programs are available to employers seeking to recruit and/or train employees.
Industry Canada This website points to 15 Federal support programs (and points to other sources as well). For example, Industry Canada's Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) program provides funding to both large firms and SME's. NRC's IRAP people adminster TPC for Small companies (approx $500K deal size).
Revenue Canada SRED Program (notes,etc)
This is the BEST DEAL for technology companies. It's yours for the asking! Annual funding is approximately $1.3 billion. And you can now afford pay your engineers $100K+ to keep them from heading south!
NRC's IRAP Program This program is unquestionably one of THE BEST sources of funding to small, growing technology companies, not too mention soft support as well! Annual funding is approximately $400 million.
This program, "Market Assessment for Research and Technology", provides 50% support up to $15,000 to B.C. companies to help them assess the market potential for new technologies. Annual funding is approximately $600K. Mart is a joint Fed/Prov program.
First Job Program
Prov. of B.C.'s program to complement HRDC's program to recruit new grads. (see above). ISTA pays 50% of the graduate’s hourly wage - up to $7.50 per hour - for up to 
12 months. It supports a new position that the employer would not otherwise fill during this period.
Science Council of B.C. Science Council offers invaluable support in the form of grants for technology development under its very successful Technology B.C. Program. TechBC funds technology development projects for small and growing companies. Annual budget is approx. $7 million.
Canada Foundation for Innovation This is the Government's recently announced (Feb/97) $800 million Fund for research infrastructure.
Forest Renewal BC
Info on Forest Renewal BC Projects and Project Funding programs. Through BC/ASI, up to $500K in project funding is available to B.C. High Tech companies. (covers up to 75% of a project's cost)
Natural Sciences Engineering Research Council NSERC provides approximately $450 million annually (increasing to$501m in 2001) to Canadian Universities for Engineering and Science research. By collaborating with Universities, companies can get "matching" funding for research programs from NSERC.
Medical Research Council MRC provides $238m ('98, $276m in 2000) in grants for university research in health sciences and promotes marketable products.
PRECARN Associates PRE-Competitive Advanced Research Network. This is an industry-sponsored initiative to encourage "pre-competitive" R&D relating to Intelligent Systems. Substantial project oriented funding is available ($65million 1996-2000).
Western Economic Diversification WD has two programs to address export and productivity improvement opportunities, e.g. WD contributes to the cost of hiring recent grads. Call (604) 666-6256. WD also offers loan programs (see "red" section)
DEBT Capital (Red Money) (Red helps - in moderation!)
COMMERCIAL BANKS (see below) Many traditional bankers are now warming up to the idea of investing in knowledge-based enterprise. Give them a call. It won't hurt. Some have venture capital divisions as well!
CREDIT CARDS (most commercial banks below) Don't underestimate the ease and convenience of quick credit. E.g. the Royal Bank offers CreditLine for Small Business (tm) up to $35,000! Call 1-888-817-0000.
Business Development Bank BDC is very keen on working with emerging companies. Some of the BDC's money comes in GREEN.

Bank of Montreal Contact: Thad Newman, 668-1363 
Bank of Montreal offers an $30 million Early Stage Capital (ESC) program.
CIBC Contact: Tom Smith
Dynam Capital Corp email to: Kelvin Fong, CGA B.C.Merchant Bank, A/R Financing, factoring, asset financing. Tel: 821-1544 Richmond, BC.
Export Development Corp Export financing assistance is available from the EDC, e.g. receivables insurance. Call 1-888-332-9438.
Industrial Incentive Fund The B.C. Government (BC Trade & Investment Office) is a $600 million fund ($467 million allocated at June 1/99) for making loans to B.C. companies to expand or to attract new companies to B.C. Contact: (604) 844-1900 or email:
Interface Financial Group Interface is a Kelowna based provider of working capital to small business via receivables financing, etc. Contact Walter Faggion at (250) 491-9534.
Royal Bank of Canada Contact: Vic Tyson
Toronto-Dominion - 
Technology Group Contact Steven Hnatiuk at
(This is a specialized group focused exclusively on financing technology ventures offering not only debt but also patient capital, mezzanine financing and equity.)
First Vancouver Factors Contact them by email at or by phone at (604)273-7866
Venture Leasing Venture Leasing, though not well known in Canada, is popular in Silicon Valley as a complement to Equity Financing. For info, contact Paul Rickett via email:
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Western Economic Diversification Canada (WED) caters to small and medium-sized enterprises by providing specialized loan programs and financing assistance. Call Vancouver at (604) 666-6256 or toll free 1-888-338-9378.
Other Info...  LINK These links may connect you!Notes
Vancouver Enterprise Forum
A great site for finding out about hi-tech events and seminars. The "Resources" page contains links to many technology oriented organisations. The Jan99 Forum contains a complete financing update.
Canadian Venture Capital Forums These are the Canadian Venture Cap forums organized by Peter Standeven and Mary MacDonald, Canada's V.C. Industry guru.
Canadian Venture Capital Association Check here for a complete list of Canadian Venture Capitalists.
National  Venture Capital Association (U.S.) National (i.e.USA) association for V.C. - good info and help for entrepreneurs, etc.
Canadian Science & Technology Sites This is a comprehensive S&T site - linking you to ALL the major Canadian funders of S&T, including NRC, NSERC, MRC (Medical Research Council) and many others!
Community of Science (COS) See COS Funding Opportunities for over 10,000 international sources for science-related funding Opps.
Industry Canada A plethora of useful information! Business startup information, how-to's, etc...
B.C.'s Health Industries Network
Various health-related investment funds can be found here.
B.C. Ministry of Employment and Investment Province of B.C.'s Site for business.
B.C. Small Business Help Province of B.C.'s Small Business Site
B.C. Science and Technology Networking Guide Province of B.C.'s Information Science & Technology Agency (ISTA)
Simon Fraser Univ - Industry Liaison For Technology Transfer, Contracts and Industry Projects, Contact: Mike Volker, 291-4292
University of British Columbia - Industry Liaison For Technology Transfer, Contracts and Industry Projects, Contact: Angus Livingstone
B.C.I.T. Technology Centre Industry Projects and Services Peter Thomson, 432-8761
Venture Capital Trends in B.C. A "slideshow" by Mike Brown of Ventures West (Feb'97) on the availability of venture financing in B.C. with some interesting predictions on future trends in financing.
Did we leave you out? No matter what color your money is, you should be on the list. To get added, send an email (see below). 

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 by Michael C. Volker - Comments and suggestions will be appreciated!
Updated: 991003