Unit Overview   Name: Maria Vasiliu

Curricular Area: Physics

Topic or Theme: Vectors: Motion and Forces in 2 dimensions

Grade Level:  11

Big Ideas:   - to understand how to compose and decompose forces and why this is important for some of the most common examples of motion in two dimensions


  • School book: Merrill
  • My blog
  • Transparencies, Handouts and worksheets
  • Internet
  • others



Checking for Prior Knowledge:

-understanding the principles of physical motion and Newton’s Laws
* velocity
* acceleration
* force, vectors


 General adaptations:

                     use bigger font

    1. use visual and graphic representations where necessary
    2. highlight important concepts/words
    3. write with different colors in worksheets or transparencies
    4. breaking lesson into smaller segments
    5. providing on-going coaching and feed-back
    6. concrete examples
    7. teaching assistant


Lesson # Topic Objectives/Learning Outcomes Activities Materials Assessment/Criteria
1 Vectors: Adding vectors in one dim and at right angle(20)

-show an ability to add vectors by graphical method;

-recognize that the order of vector addition doesn’t matter

-recognize the independence of perpendicular vector quantities

1.warm-up: Math review: Pythagorean Theorem and Trigonometry
Transparency: Vectors Addition –one direction and at 90 degree
Physics Classroom: addition of vectors: animation
In-class questions
3.check the understanding: exit slips

School book: Merrill
handouts, worksheets, transparencies, Internet, my blog
  • how students understood addition of vectors and are able to apply it in problems


2 Vector Resolution(21)

show an ability to reverse the operation from previous day

-recognize where in real life they can apply vectors’ resolution and solve problems


1.warm-up: entrance slips
Check the homework
Transparency: Vectors Resolution
In-class examples
In-class practice
3.check the understanding

School book: Merrill
handouts, worksheets, transparencies, Internet, my blog
  • how students understood vector’s resolution
  • how students identify the forces’ components and recognize their independence
  • how students  apply this knowledge in solving problems and understanding real –life application
3 Vectors. Non-perpendicular Forces(22)

-show an ability to extend their understanding to any kind(in any direction) and number of vectors

-identify real –life situations where they can apply different vectors’ addition

warm-up: Fido
Check the homework
Transparency: More exercises, in-class questions
Physics Classroom: Non-perpendicular vectors
In-class practice
check the understanding

School book: Merrill
handouts, worksheets, transparencies, Internet, my blog
  • On students’ ability to extend their knowledge and apply it in new situations

Pair assessment for in-class practice and for warm-up

4 Projectiles-1(23)

-show they understand the independence of vertical and  horizontal velocities of a projectile by solving problems of projectiles launched horizontally

-find the maximum height and range of projectiles launched at an arbitrary angle if initial velocity and angle are given

1.warm-up: Journal Question: Why the projectiles move horizontally and what force make them move vertically? What other force acts on them --if any?
Check the homework

Pocket Lab: Drop a ball while you are moving. Let students predict the trajectory and where the ball lands.
Brainstorm for examples of projectiles

Transparency: The trajectory of a projectile; Examples
Physics Classroom: Projectile’s  motion: examples-Animated gifs
In-class questions
3.check the understanding


School book: Merrill
handouts, worksheets, transparencies, Internet, my blog, balls
  • On critical thinking-students’ predictions
  • The ability and understanding of resolving the vectors in their horizontal and vertical components and apply this understanding in real-life situations and problems

Pair assessment-for in-class questions and for check for understanding


5 Projectiles-2 (24)

-show they understand the independence of vertical and  horizontal velocities of a projectile by solving problems of projectiles launched horizontally

-find the maximum height and range of projectiles launched at an arbitrary angle if initial velocity and angle are given

1.warm-up: Dialectic Journals / Double Entry
Check the homework
Physics Classroom: Projectile’s  motion: examples-Animated gifs
Practice a lot-try even harder-Problems
3.check the understanding

School book: Merrill
handouts, worksheets, transparencies, Internet, my blog
  • The ability and understanding of resolving the vectors in their horizontal and vertical components and apply this understanding in real-life situations and problems
  • Pair-work

Pair assessment-for in-class practice and for check for understanding. Students will change always the pair they work with

6 Projectiles-3: Trajectory of a projectile

-show a good understanding of projectiles and vectors

-find the maximum height and range of projectiles launched at an arbitrary angle if initial velocity and angle are given


1.Vectors Introduction Quiz
Check the homework
Transparency : Trajectory of projectiles
Physics Classroom: Projectile’s  motion: Displacement
Transparency worksheet: Solve 3 problems
3.check the understanding

School book: Merrill
handouts, worksheets, transparencies
  • How students understood motion in 2 dimensions and its application
  • Pair-work

Self-assessment for Quiz

Pair assessment-for in-class practice and for check for understanding. Students will change always the pair they work with


7 Review 1 -show a good understanding of motion in 2 dimensions

1.warm-up: Dialectic Journals ( a problem solved)
Check the homework
Activity: Physics of Rock Climbing
 3.check the understanding


School book: Merrill
  • How students understood motion in 2 dimensions and its application
  • Critical and analytical thinking
  • Team work

Teams will assess each other.

Criteria developed

8 Review 2: pre-Test

-show a good understanding of motion in 2 dimensions


Pre-Test School book: Merrill

·        How students understood motion in 2 dimensions and its application

Criteria developed for this test assessment

9 Test

-show a good understanding of motion in 2 dimensions


Test School book: Merrill

·        How students understood motion in 2 dimensions and its application


10 Periodic Motion: Circular motion -show an understanding of the centripetal acceleration of objects in circular motion and be able to apply Newton’s laws to such motions

1. warm-up: deductive thinking: Constructivist approach

2.Part1: Prediction Question for Demonstration which follows: Double journal entry
Demonstration for centripetal acceleration
Transparency:  Centripetal acceleration and Force
Mobile lab: Use the Internet and Physics Classroom  for animated gifs and tutorials for Circular motion Activity. Pair work
3.exit slips: check for understanding


School book: Merrill, transparencies, worksheets, Internet, mobile lab, jar, plastic fishing bob, tape, water
  • students understanding of circular motion: Deductive thinking ( students should be able to come with the diagram of centripetal acceleration by themselves)

Self assessment for interactive questions

Pair assessment for “check for understanding”

Students keep track of their marks when self/pair assessment are used

11 Periodic Motion: Harmonic motion: Pendulum -be able to characterize simple harmonic motion and be able to apply Newton’s laws to such motion

warm-up: Inductive thinking: Journal entry: Diagrams


Frequency, Period and the Universal Wave Equation


Nature of waves

K-W_L: Only what they learned –at this point

School book: Merrill, handouts
  • students understanding of harmonic motion: Deductive thinking ( students should be able to come with the diagram for pendulum motion: speed and acceleration)
  • the ability to solve problems and understand the applications of this motion

Pair assessment for assignment 1

Self assessment for assignment 2