Department of Mathematics
Spring 2002
MATH 462 - Fluid Dynamics
Class Webpage
Library Resources
books & lecture notes (reserve list)
special thanks to Leslie & Tatiana for maintaining these notes
The Last Week:
25 March
vortex demo (lvdemo.m)
subroutines (lvdemo_ode.m), (lvdemo_vel4quiv.m), (lvdemo_vel4quiv.m), (lvdemo_visinfluence.m), (lvdemo_dist.m)
thanks to Colin Macdonald for developing these demos
week 0: organizational stuff
week 1: introduction &
week 2: euler equations of motion
week 3: simple flows
week 4: incompressibility & irrotationality
week 5: potential flow
week 6: airfoils
week 7: pond waves
week 8: water waves
week 9: sound & viscosity
week 10: more viscosity
week 11: viscosity & vorticity
Images & Interest:
volcanic smoke ring:
smoke rings:
bubble rings:
smoke rings
vortex can