lab #9 worksheet ---------------- - make a new folder for week 9 - files for this week: w9edf1.m w9edf2.m w9edf3.m - start matlab & change to the week 9 folder KEY QUESTION: what is the meaning of those goodness-of-fit quantities, W^2 and r^2? warm-up ------- run each of the w9edf#.m scripts in order. they should reproduce professor stephens' good example from yesterday. (with the exception of a now corrected r^2 value.) be sure you understand the meaning of each of the plots. calculate the W^2 for the data of w9edf2.m (it should be 0.0553). calculate the r^2 for the data of w9edf3.m (it should be 0.9064). STUDY #1 -------- w9edf1.m draws a random sample of 25 exponentially distributed (mu=1) values. when you calculate the EDF, it should approximately look like the theoretical CDF F(x)=1-exp(-mu*x). but it will not be exactly the same, and the W^2 will be small (hopefully) but not zero. in fact, the values of W^2 themselves have some CDF! your task will be to compute many different (don't reset the random seed!) samples, and build an EDF of W^2 values, until it looks reasonably smooth and you can give: the "quartile" values of W^2 below which you will find 25%, 50% and 75% of random samples of 25 exp. dist. values. also, what happens to the W^2 EDF as you increase the number of random #s in your sample (Nrand)? STUDY #2 -------- repeat the exercise of #1 to construct the EDF of n(1-r^2) values. give the quartile values. SUMMARY ------- we are currently preparing a group of 12 data sets of 25 random numbers. you will be asked to determine which of the 12 data sets are least likely to have come from an exponential distribution (mu=1).