lab #6 worksheet ---------------- - make a new folder for week6 - files for this week: w5queue1.m - start matlab & change to the week 6 folder - KEY QUESTION to address. what is the difference between the queueing systems as employed by the banks & supermarkets? warm-up ------- open "w6queue.m" in the matlab editor. make sure that "study=1" & run it. then change to "study=2" & run. discuss the flowchart of the simulations in the lab. study #1 - at the bank -------- study #2 - at the grocery -------- - plan to make reports that discuss each study separately. - you will also be budgetted extra pages to summarize the comparison. - approach this lab as if you were a consultant being asked to evaluate and quantify the properties, advantages and disadvantages of these two queueing systems. $ plan to address the key question, as well as, design a systematic & quantitative analysis of a second question of your choice. - the code runs the simulations for studies 1 & 2. - the output (graphical & otherwise) has not been designed for you. - the key output is the array "event_data", each event has saved info in a row of the array. column 1 = eventNo = server done, or new arrival column 2 = clock column 3 = queue # of effected queue column 4 = queue size of effected queue column 5 = waiting time in queue before reaching server column 6 = service time at server column 7 = total people in queue - you may add more columns for new event data. i added col 7 when i made the code work for multiple queues. - you might also save the event_data ("help save") and write a post-processor to glean statistics and make graphics. - there are a few parameters that might be useful to change. - discussion of useful stats/graphics on the webct is encouraged.