lab #11 ------- by careful reading of problem 3.10 in mooney/swift, develop a difference equation model for the population of caribou, and implement the model computationally. the lab report will be due noon wednesday 26 march, and so covers two consecutive lab sessions. the problem statement is fairly clear and complete, but may have some elements that you feel are open to interpretation. the decision on how to resolve ambiguities is up to you, but you should include any rationale of your decision as part of the methodology section of your report. (note the TAs will not be grading on the basis of looking for specific numbers, but on the quality of your report and the credibility of your model.) some checks you have available are the linear algebra for the baseline model of part a). also, you should use the linear algebra of part b) with average winter rates to compare with your random results. similar thinking can be done for the versions with hunting. roughly speaking, parts 1&2 can be separated from parts 3&4 to give two studies (for purposes of report writing). be sure to address the questions 1-4 of the problem statement in your conclusions. in the final analysis, comment on what you think are the best & worst features of your model.