Mostafa S. Ibrahim

Mostafa S. Ibrahim

PhD Student - Spring 2015 - Fall 2018
Supervisor Prof. Greg Mori
School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University

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M.Sc. in Computer Science from Cairo University, Egypt, 2012.
B.Sc. in Computer Science from Cairo University, Egypt, 2008.

Personal Website [Please visit]
Google Scholar
Github Account


I have a mix of experience in Software Engineering, 2D Computer Vision Research/Engineering and Algorithms Design.
My interests are to apply Machine Learning to solve real-world problems. I am open to both Research and Engineering opportunities.

My PhD Trip


Mostafa S. Ibrahim, Greg Mori. "Hierarchical Relational Networks for Group Activity Recognition and Retrieval". In ECCV 2018. [pdf] [presentation] [poster] [github]
Jiawei He, Mostafa S. Ibrahim, Zhiwei Deng, Greg Mori. "Generic Tubelet Proposals for Action Localization". In WACV 2018. [pdf]
Mehran Khodabandeh, Zhiwei Deng, Mostafa S Ibrahim, Shinichi Satoh, Greg Mori. "Active Learning for Structured Prediction from Partially Labeled Data". In arxiv 2017. [pdf]
Mostafa S. Ibrahim, Srikanth Muralidharan, Zhiwei Deng, Arash Vahdat, Greg Mori. "A Hierarchical Deep Temporal Model for Group Activity Recognition". In CVPR 2016. [pdf] [presentation] [poster] [github: code and dataset]
Mostafa S. Ibrahim, Amr A. Badr, Mostafa R. Abdallah and Ibrahim F. Eissa. "Bounding Box Object Localization Based On Image Superpixelization". In INNS 2012. [pdf]
Mostafa S. Ibrahim and Motaz A. El Saban. "Higher order potentials with superpixel neighbourhood (hsn) for semantic image segmentation". In ICIP 2011. [pdf]