Featured Plenary Speaker

Pavel Trofimovich

Concordia University

Teaching second language pronunciation:

From the psycholinguistic lab to the language classroom

What are some of the most efficient ways of helping non-native speakers improve their ability to speak a second language? I will attempt to answer at least some aspects of this complex question by drawing on my colleagues’ and my own recent research with learners of English and French as a second language in Canada, conducted in both psycholinguistic laboratory settings and in second language classroom contexts. More specifically, I will discuss how basic cognitive processes may be relevant to teaching pronunciation in a language classroom, how research can help teachers identify pronunciation teaching targets, and how classroom students differ in their approach to the learning of second language pronunciation. In keeping with the conference focus on assessment, I will also show how research can help teachers develop pronunciation assessment tools. Taken together, these strands of research will paint a complex picture of pronunciation teaching and learning, a challenging and exciting area for researchers, teachers, and learners alike.