Some Programs/Utilities
- jeolcon:
A PC (gw-basic) program to convert from LINK systems EDS
files to minfile, GSC, or ascii format (~56K)
- overlaps:
A PC (fortran 77) program to calculate WDS peak overlaps
for electron microprobe anaylses (~115 K zipped)
- sx502min:
A PC (c++ and gw-basic versions) program to convert from
CAMECA SX50 data (*.cor) files to minfile format (~44K)
- ternplot.xls:
An excel spreadsheet to plot ternary diagrams (~24 K
- x40:
A PC (fortran 77) program to convert Philips *.C00 and
*.CFS X-ray fluorescence data files to ascii format
- rigaku:
A PC (gw-basic) program to transfer ascii data files
between a rigaku X-ray diffractometer and a PC compatible
computer utilizing serial communications.
- I have others to collect and plot XRD, EDS and WDS data,
automate P&T control of hydrothermal systems ...
contact me at
if you are interested. Additionally, source code is
available for all programs if desired.
These are programs written by me for general use, please feel
free to copy them and/or give them to colleagues, friends and