
I study strongly interacting many body quantum systems from a theoretical point of view. Most of the problems I am currently working on are either in the area of quantum materials or ultra-cold atoms. In the past I have worked on transport in layered metals and two dimensional electron gases, magnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors, glassiness and plasma astrophysics. Themes that run through my research are disorder (inherent in all materials) and out of equilibrium physics.

Ultra cold atoms

Dirac fermions

Layered metals

Two dimensional electron systems High Temperature superconductors


Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

Plasma Astrophysics

Ph: +1 (778) 782 4826
Fax: +1 (778) 782 3592
Office P8439
Department of Physics
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby V5A 1S6, BC,
Official web site