A research project of Dr. Luc P. Beaudoin and colleagues.
The objective of this project is to develop an understanding of sleep onset information processing on the basis of which cognitive treatments can be derived and assessed to reduce sleep onset latency. It is hoped this will contribute to solving problems of clinical insomnia, and also to decrease sleep onset latency in non-clinical cases. This project examines in particular, but not only, cognitive treatments that are assisted with technology (such as with the SomnoTest and mySleepButton apps).
The broader objective is to demonstrate the practical pertinence of information processing theories in psychology/cognitive science to addressing problems of cognitive productivity and overall well-being.
See Beaudoin’s publications page.
Beaudoin is currently writing a theoretical paper on affective information-processing in sleep-onset and insomnia. Please email lpb@sfu.ca if you’d like to review an advance copy.
Beaudoin’s theory suggests a wide collection of new empirical research questions concerning sleep onset and insomnia. Some of them are listed here
If you are an insomnia researcher who would like to run studies to test serial diverse imagining (with or without the SomnoTest app), please feel free to get in touch with Dr. Beaudoin at lpb@sfu.ca.
The SomnoTest app is an iOS® app developed by CogSci Apps Corp. to test the Somnolent Mentation Theory and cognitive shuffle treatments. It is a research version of the commercial app, mySleepButton®.
Luc Beaudoin also blogs about sleep and insomnia on mySleepButton.com.
See our opportunities page.
CogSci Apps Corp. is providing technical support and software to compare serial diverse imagining with other cognitive treatments. mySleepButton® is an app for iPhone®, iPad®, iPod Touch® and Android that helps people use the serial diverse imagining treatment. (It will soon support other cognitive treatments).
Disclosure. Dr. Beaudoin is a co-founder of CogSci Apps Corp. and owner/manager of CogZest.