The offspring distribution

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The offspring distribution

The likelihood of an observed path was given by Eschenbach and Winkler (1975) as

where is

and the sum is over all -tuples of nonnegative integers such that and . This is equivalent to summing over all partial family trees for which the first generation sizes take on the values . Denote the number of such trees by . Further denote by the number of individuals of the 'th generation with exactly offspring in the 'th of these trees. Let . Dion et al. (1982) prove a representation theorem for the nonparametric mle of an offspring distribution, supported on for known :

Notice that is a weighted average of the , with the weights being the estimated relative likelihood of the 'th tree. Harris (1948) showed that if one can observe the entire family tree, the mle of is just . The Proposition suggests a recursive algorithm for computing the mle's. However, this requires the enumeration of all trees that could have yielded the sample. This may be quite a formidable task (see Dion et al. for a discussion).

A computationally more feasible algorithm for computing the mle of the offspring distribution also uses Harris' form of the estimator, but instead of weighting the Harris estimators with respect to the relative likelihood of different possible trees, we compute the conditional expectation of , given . Let . Write

This is a function of . Select a starting value . Now compute as if were the true distribution. Use the to compute a new estimate by the Harris formula,

That is, replace the true value by your best current guess, , and use that guess to reestimate the probabilities as if we knew the true . Iterate this procedure until it converges. This algorithm is a special case of the strategy called the EM-algorithm (Baum, ?, Dempster et al., 1977). The algorithm is somewhat sensitive to starting values, but it appears to work well to start from a Poisson distribution with parameter , truncated above at .

It is easy to see that

This formula is easily computed using a discrete convolution algorithm.


Then is a maximum likelihood estimate of the offspring variance. There are other estimates in the literature. Dion (1975) suggested

where . A similar estimate, with replacing , was proposed by Heyde (1974). Both Dion's and Heyde's estimates are consistent, conditional upon nonextinction at time .

Duby and Roualt (1982) use a local limit theorem to compute a normal approximation to the likelihood when both and get large, and obtain an approximation which is uniform in a class of supercritical offspring distributions with lattice size one and finite fourth moment. The estimators obtained by maximizing this approximate likelihood are and , respectively. The work of Guttorp (1991) uses a similar result in a similar class of distributions, but uses a better estimate of the approximation error to deduce the consistency of the mle . In the next section we develop a new local limit theorem which does not require the assumption that the lattice size is the same for all offspring distributions under consideration.

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Richard Lockhart
Thu Oct 26 23:26:04 PDT 1995