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STAT 450

Problems: Assignment 2

Basic Questions

  1. Suppose are iid real random variables with density f . Let be the X 's arranged in increasing order, that is, is the minimum of and while is the maximum.
    1. Find the joint density of .

    2. Suppose . Prove that is independent of .

    3. Find the density of .

    4. Find the density of .

  2. Suppose are iid exponential. Let for i=1, 2 and 3.
    1. Find the joint density of .

    2. Find the joint density of .

    3. Find the joint density of .

  3. Suppose X and Y have joint density . Prove from the definition of density that the density of X is .

  4. Suppose X is Poisson(). After observing X a coin landing Heads with probability p is tossed X times. Let Y be the number of Heads and Z be the number of Tails. Find the joint and marginal distributions of Y and Z.

  5. Let be the bivariate normal density with mean 0, unit variances and correlation and let be the standard bivariate normal density. Let . Show that p has normal margins but is not bivariate normal.

  6. Suppose X and Y are independent with and . Let Z=X+Y. Find the distribution of Z given X and that of X given Z.

Richard Lockhart
Tue Oct 8 09:10:57 PDT 1996